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Guest FourAces

How Many Hints Does It Take?

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Guest FourAces

Whats up with pastor Jones? He has to be brain damaged, right?

When you have the head of special forces (or whatever his title), the pope, the secretary of state and OMG Sarah Palin telling you that you're crazy and doing more harm than good don't you think a rational person would pick up on those clues?

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Guest FourAces

He's an attention whore. Those kind of people don't care what it takes to get the attention. If it requires you to be a major asshat, then so be it.

Yep he really must be. I found out after I made the post that the wall street journal incorrectly reported his congregation size as a mega-church when in fact its all of 30 people :lol:

Well if he does go through with his plan I hope he accidentally burns a finger or two :o

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Guest zipperzone

Yep he really must be. I found out after I made the post that the wall street journal incorrectly reported his congregation size as a mega-church when in fact its all of 30 people :lol:

Well if he does go through with his plan I hope he accidentally burns a finger or two :o

What the hell does the government employ snipers for, then not use them?

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Guest CharliePS

It's reported that he was fired from his previous church (which he had founded!) because he was using church funds for personal expenses.

There are certain kinds of Christians (see: Fred Phelps) that are impervious to any sort of rational argument, because they are convinced that God speaks directly through them, and only through them.

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