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Guest lurkerspeaks

craigslist caves in....

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Although I cherish my citizenship, I find the United States of America to be much too damn prudish even in the 21st century! We should be more open in allowing persons to do as pleased as long as NO ONE is hurt or killed or injured in any way!

Would you get upset if I said, Amen!

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noticed this morning that not only is the black "CENSORED" label missing, now the entire space were adult or erotic services section was is gone...looks like it is true.... :(

Probably another case of out of site out of mind. Just like BP is becoming and NOLA has become. I had hoped for more than this.

I was really hoping that the "censored" label over adult services might have been the trigger to the beginning of a new type of Article 19 revolution that in many areas IMHO is well over due.

It's very sad if Craigslist has elected to go silently into the night after all that has transpired prior to this. It could have become a symbol in the fight for freedom of speech and other civil liberties issues that might arise in the future. :huh::angry::(

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