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These are a few of my favorite things . . .

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Not that I don't like other websites too, but during the month of August, I found myself thinking of things I especially like about the MER Forums and decided to make a running list.

The list does not include the biggest draw: the many creative, funny, knowledgeable, articulate, caring, sharing, and - dare I say blush-anim-cl.gif - quite attractive denizens who festoon the fora day and night. It's just a list of site qualities that I think set MER apart.

I'm sure I'm not done, as I've added a couple just in the last few days. Others may want to join in. But here's my list, so far, and in no particular order:

  • Lucky and the folks who joined in to create a little magic in August - haven't seen anything like it before

  • Site owners who participate fully and have as good a time as the other posters

  • Erections

  • Fair, evenhanded, no-nonsense moderators

  • Minimal drama, and what little there is can sometimes be entertaining

  • Flexibility and willingness to try new things

  • Respect for users

  • Erections

  • Responsiveness to user requests

  • Any changes are quick and fuss-free

  • General spirit of tolerance

  • Ability to include lots of images in each post

  • Ability to include videos in posts

  • Expressive smilies

  • Attractive layout

  • Erections

  • No unexpected outages - it's here when I'm here

  • Flirt4Free banner - always some new eye candy

  • General feeling that we're all in this together

  • Anticipated forgiveness for leaving something out

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The view from my side of the bar: it's the posters. An informed and imformative, witty group who always amuse and entertain when they show up to the party. Some interesting quirky personalities in the bunch that is generally broad in depth and good natured.

lookin, I'll see your love of erections and raise you some nice bubble asses. B) Pardon me, Aces for borrowing your vocab. :P

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Not that I don't like other websites too, but during the month of August, I found myself thinking of things I especially like about the MER Forums and decided to make a running list.

Bong-er-ific post lookin! B)

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