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Male Escort Review Guys can now Upload Videos to the Site

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We now have the ability for escorts to upload videos to the site. These videos will be personal videos of themselves and not studio protected videos. We have not sent out an e-mail to members yet. However, if some notice this in their My Account area or the Search area, they may start to upload some videos. I have set up 2 test videos for you in this area. Take a look at Search and Member Videos and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy this new feature. It is a free feature that we will be offering to all members.

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Guest FourAces

Cool feature that worked without any major problems. I hope escorts will take advantage of it once you roll it out. I did have one small issues but this might be by design, when I clicked to make the video full screen it did not respond (using latest version of FF). But the size you have set up for the type of videos to be uploaded seems sufficient.

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Cool feature that worked without any major problems. I hope escorts will take advantage of it once you roll it out. I did have one small issues but this might be by design, when I clicked to make the video full screen it did not respond (using latest version of FF). But the size you have set up for the type of videos to be uploaded seems sufficient.

Thanks Aces. Unfortunately, to keep up speed on the site, keep down bandwidth, we have not worked out a way to do all the extra add on fun stuff. We will keep working on it. Also, if others have suggestions, please let us know.

We have made all the videos available to all registered members here. Even the XXX ones if some get uploaded. I don't know the policy on other escort boards, do the others require a paid membership to view the videos?

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Take a look at Search and Member Videos and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy this new feature. It is a free feature that we will be offering to all members.

This leaves me confused Oz. Where does one look in the members area? I'm at a loss in finding it.


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