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Women's Right To Vote - 40 Years On/90 Years On - August 26th

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On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment was passed giving Women the right to vote. On August 26, 1970, millions of women all over the country marched and demonstrated on its fiftieth anniversary and the Women's Movement came front and center in the social conscience of America. The days of the Second Class Citizen would be gone . . . mostly. Well, there is that issue of Equal Rights in the workplace some forty years later. Still, August 26, 1970 was a pivotal change for many people and it was the beginning of a new era.

One of the biggest demonstrations took place in New York with marchers estimated at between 10-50,000. On hand to address the crowd were founding members of the Women's Movement, among them Betty Friedan, whose 1963 book The Feminine Mystique has been credited as sparking the feminist movement.

Betty Friedan: “The great debate in Theology of the 60’s was is God dead? I think the debate of the 70’s will be is God He, and I do not say God should be She. But I think that unless we can see the highest possible creation and creativity in Female cause as well as Male, we have not reached the next step of Human evolution.”

Forty years ago today, celebrating ninety years ago today.


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