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Guest zipperzone

The Daily Butt - 08/21/10

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Guest zipperzone

Now that I've learned to post pictures........ I thought it might be therapeutic (for me, at least) to start a "Daily Butt" collection.

Let me know if you want me to desist.




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Now that I've learned to post pictures........ I thought it might be therapeutic (for me, at least) to start a "Daily Butt" collection.

Let me know if you want me to desist.

That Hawaiian tan line on your twink works just fine for me. ^_^

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Now that I've learned to post pictures........ I thought it might be therapeutic (for me, at least) to start a "Daily Butt" collection.

Let me know if you want me to desist.

I love ass... beautiful shapely ass... hard granite ass... soft pliable ass... smooth as glass ass... furry hot ass. I love ass... umm I'm repeating myself. :wub:

Thanks zipper.

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Let me take this opportunity to lower the level of the discourse from art to... well... you name it, it causes me to blush. :P I've been enchanted with it every since seeing the last scene of Citizen Kane. :D


I cudda sworn Citizen Kane was filmed in black & white. Must be a hole in my memory.

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