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How many escorts?

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Guest restless

Maybe it's just the way I am, but I can't imagine falling in love with an escort. It just doesn't enter my mind. I love spending time with the guy(s), but I think there's just a wall there for me.

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Hi guys ,

I have met a guy that was escorting was for maybe 3 yrs or so, he was from here in the carolinas,

but moved to large city,we would see each other when he came home, actually would visit him also.

One day he called asked if i wanted to meet him in fla for long weekend.

We split everything, hotel , car, food .

We just like traveling together, ended up being Best of friends,

No sex anymore, with each other, Just friends ,

we have traveled all over the world and just staying at each others homes,

Actually consider him one of my best friends, A true friend , hard to find these days.

I did see a guy a couple times , he was 18 at the time

I had a great time, I could see myself falling for him ,

so i kinda kept myself busy and did not see him for a long time,

now he has moved out west, but have been thinking of making a trip to see him


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