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Some negative attention heating up for Brazil.

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BBC World News, Our World: Brazil's Child Prostitutes

Just watched the show, no mention of the saunas or men. They showed 2 underage boys selling themselves as transvestites. Other that that it was all about shamefully young girls, and the European men (?) that exploit them. Didn't hear mention of Americans once.

According to this somewhat histrionic show (I'd have thought that unusual for the BBC), now that asia is cracking down Brazil is becoming (or already is) the new capital for underage prostitution. The situation didn't look quite as bad as a documentary I saw on asia, in Brazil the girls were at least teens and some were doing it to feed drug habits (at 13), not just to live. Still pretty grim of course, and likely to attract a lot more attention as things heat up for the World Cup then Olympics...

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BBC World News, Our World: Brazil's Child Prostitutes

Just watched the show, no mention of the saunas or men. They showed 2 underage boys selling themselves as transvestites. Other that that it was all about shamefully young girls, and the European men (?) that exploit them. Didn't hear mention of Americans once.

According to this somewhat histrionic show (I'd have thought that unusual for the BBC), now that asia is cracking down Brazil is becoming (or already is) the new capital for underage prostitution. The situation didn't look quite as bad as a documentary I saw on asia, in Brazil the girls were at least teens and some were doing it to feed drug habits (at 13), not just to live. Still pretty grim of course, and likely to attract a lot more attention as things heat up for the World Cup then Olympics...

When I first went to Thailand-- I saw some horrible scenes: kids with these old men from, I think, parts of Europe. I was indeed repulsed and saddened. I'd wanted to walk over and rescue these young children-- babies!

I've always wondered what do these men find attractive in young kids-- girls as well as boys!! :( :(

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I thought that Cambodia and Sri Lanka were where the pedophiles went.

I've never seen any hint of underage sex in Rio. Can't say the same for Pattaya where the Sunnee Plaza had some disgusting things going on.


I thought that Cambodia and Sri Lanka were where the pedophiles went.

I've never seen any hint of underage sex in Rio. Can't say the same for Pattaya where the Sunnee Plaza had some disgusting things going on.

Not sure when your last trip to Pattaya was Lucky. Sunee is much better today than a few years back. It is NOT 100 percent clean but it is getting damm close. All the beer bars I know of legit and legal age. There are only a handful of gogo bars left and the police have clamped down tight on them.

Thailand is not the place for people looking for Underage. The police here are VERY active in stopping this activity. Surrounding countries are the place most go. You will notice that many get arrested in Bangkok Airport but that is the main Asian hub for most surrounding countries.

Thailand has no tolerance for this kind of activity. I rarely see anyone under 18 in any bar. However, it is still illegal for someone under 21 and not working in a bar to be inside and drinking.

I also have never seen underage in Brazil. Not one sauna I have ever been to has young guys. I love the saunas there for this reason. You don't have to worry about a fake ID or problems.

There must be a street scene as the article states but I have never seen it and have no desire to be anywhere nearby.

Guest tomcal

I agree with Lucky and Oz, in all my trips to Brazil I have Never heard or seen underage activity going on, gay or straight. The saunas require I.D. and they Keep copies of them for all guys working there. The laws regarding Prostitution in Brazil is pretty simple. Prostitution is legal as long as the person is 18 or older and no one can make money off prostitution except that person, which is why there are no pimps and why you negotiate and pay the guys(or girls) directly! The saunas by law can't make money off the act! They make their money off entrance fee/drinks/food/and suite rental.

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