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Any Ideas for New Articles for Male Escort Review?

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I love writing articles for sites. It helps me get into a more creative mood. We have written many in the Learn the Lingo area of the site. Are there any other article subjects you would like to see? Anything that we are missing related to gay escorts, male escorts, clients, sex between the two? Any suggestions or advice is appreciated!


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Guest Klair

Are there any other article subjects you would like to see?

Sure. How about an article about where to find escorts for free! Only one problem - I think the article would consist of a title and a blank page. But it would sure be an easy one to write!

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Guest FourAces

Possibly something related to chemical abuse of escorts / clients might be interesting.

I have personal fascination on why clients do hire escorts ... I feel at times it goes way beyond just the sexual experience they might receive.

An article on what I refer to as the different level of commitment of escorts and how to approach them from a clients view (i.e. quick dollar, long term pro).

These are just a few general ideas to keep the ball rolling in this thread. Maybe others will add more and you can come up with an article or two based on all the suggestions.

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