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Kids with Annette Bening and Julianne Moore

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I am dying to see this movie but it is not in Thailand. Has anyone else seen it? Is it good?

All the hype has been positive from what I have read. But, I am looking forward to seeing it myself.

It's terrific. The character development is outstanding. You actually develop feelings for every character in the movie (well except maybe for the skateboarding friend of the teenage son).

The acting is superb. The writing is quirky and witty.

Run, don't walk, to see it.

Finally you are put at some kind of disadvantage by being in Thailand! ^_^


Hope it gets to you soon...

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I saw it this afternoon and wondered what was supposed to be so good about it. I I were a lesbian I wold have been offended at the idea that a lesbian would go running to a straight guy at the first sign of trouble in her relationship. Plus Mark Ruffalo is too hairy for me!

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