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Movies you Hate to Love

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I am a movie buff. There is rarely a movie out that I don't go see. I can easily go 2-3 times every week. I love the entire theater experience. I also download lots of movies from ITunes and I watch the TV quite often. I usually do all this while working on the computer.

There are some movies that come out that I always have to sit and watch intensely. I'll get a snack and a soda and just veg out. Some of these movies the critics hated but I love.

Out of curiosity, what movies do you love to watch that the rest of the world may hate? Are there any?

For me, last night Roadhouse came on and I love Patrick Swayze and I had to watch him when I see this movie. I really enjoy it although I am slightly embarrased to admit it.

What your the movies you hate to love?


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Guest Conway

I am a movie buff. There is rarely a movie out that I don't go see. I can easily go 2-3 times every week. I love the entire theater experience. I also download lots of movies from ITunes and I watch the TV quite often. I usually do all this while working on the computer.

There are some movies that come out that I always have to sit and watch intensely. I'll get a snack and a soda and just veg out. Some of these movies the critics hated but I love.

Out of curiosity, what movies do you love to watch that the rest of the world may hate? Are there any?

For me, last night Roadhouse came on and I love Patrick Swayze and I had to watch him when I see this movie. I really enjoy it although I am slightly embarrased to admit it.

What your the movies you hate to love?


The recent Russian Spy story that was in the news made me look this one up on I-Tunes. It's a dreadful movie except for the fact that River Phoenix was at the height of his twinky wonder in it. A perfectly dreadful movie with aboy cute enough to watch for an hour and a half...that's my idea of a fun Friday night these days.


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Guest FourAces

Die Hard is one of those films I hate and love all at once. Terrible story and fair acting at best but it sucks me in every time its on. I have probably seen it more than 2 dozen times lol.


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Guest Klair

Slasher movies! I love the lame acting and can't wait until the first victim is dispatched.

I like those if, and only if, the slashing scenes actually look realistic. That's rare. Any horror movie loses me immediately as soon as the cliche scene appears in which a frightened teenage girl is walking down a dark corridor. Then the music suddenly goes ZING!, she screams, but it's only a cat. Greatly relieved, she picks up the cat, starts petting it, and that's when the killer pops out and a knife goes through her neck. How many gazillion times do they have to do that in these movies?

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Guest StuCotts

I am a movie buff. There is rarely a movie out that I don't go see. I can easily go 2-3 times every week. I love the entire theater experience. I also download lots of movies from ITunes and I watch the TV quite often. I usually do all this while working on the computer.

There are some movies that come out that I always have to sit and watch intensely. I'll get a snack and a soda and just veg out. Some of these movies the critics hated but I love.

Out of curiosity, what movies do you love to watch that the rest of the world may hate? Are there any?

For me, last night Roadhouse came on and I love Patrick Swayze and I had to watch him when I see this movie. I really enjoy it although I am slightly embarrased to admit it.

What your the movies you hate to love?


My reaction to Road House was to be riveted by the absolutely no sense it made. I couldn't pull away because it was really about the string of artistic poses struck by the very hot Swayze. The peak was a pose, worthy of a Petty Girl, on a car hood. It's a shame nobody thought to strip him down to the legal minimum for it.

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Guest restless

Brat Pack movies - particularly the ones that don't stand the test of time. The Outsiders came out about the same time I did (to myself, at least). Now I can't not watch it if it's on.

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Guest Klair

Have you ever seen any of the Rob Zombie movies?

You might really like them.

I haven't seen those that I know of. I'm not a zombie movie fan, but I'll have a look anyway. You never know. I might like them.

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Guest restless

Did you like the movie or Matt Dillon?

At the time I remember my friends were into it, about how badass they were. I think I even took a girl to that movie on a date. We were in 8th grade? Maybe younger? But they're all fucking hot in that movie - if I had known the term eye candy at that age, it would have made my understanding of my interest in the film a lot clearer.

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I like those if, and only if, the slashing scenes actually look realistic. That's rare. Any horror movie loses me immediately as soon as the cliche scene appears in which a frightened teenage girl is walking down a dark corridor. Then the music suddenly goes ZING!, she screams, but it's only a cat. Greatly relieved, she picks up the cat, starts petting it, and that's when the killer pops out and a knife goes through her neck. How many gazillion times do they have to do that in these movies?

That scene, IMHO, has only been done well once and that was at the beginning of Friday the 13th part 2. I understand what you mean about the realism part, the later Friday the 13th movies were a lot less bloody than the early ones and the kills became less realistic and original.

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Guest FourAces

Funny very late last night I watched yet another move I hate to love Speed! I must have seen this film a dozen times and have no clue what the attraction is yet I keep watching it lol.

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