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Court strikes challenge to DC gay marriage law

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Court strikes challenge to DC gay marriage law

Court: Opponents of DC same-sex marriage law cannot take the issue to voters


AP News

Jul 15, 2010 11:15 EDT

D.C.'s highest court has ruled against opponents of the city's same-sex marriage law, saying they cannot ask voters to overturn it.

Opponents had wanted to challenge a law that took effect in Washington in March allowing same-sex couples to marry. They attempted to get approval to put an initiative on the ballot asking city voters to define marriage in the city as between one man and one woman. But city officials balked, saying a district human rights law barred initiatives that would authorize discrimination.

On Thursday, the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled 5-4 that officials had the authority to keep the measure off the ballot and acted appropriately.

Found at: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2010/07/court_strikes_challenge_to_dc_gay_marriage_law.php?ref=fpa

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