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Not stopping-just slowing down

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Hello fellow MERmen,

Just a quick note to let y'all know I am still around.

I have not been quite as active as I had been in the past.I am going to try and get my affairs in order this year(pay off all debt)and this means having to curtail two of my hobbies-Travel and Boys.

I still do get out and about a bit(and this staying home stuff is boring me to tears)but it is a small price to pay to get some(a lot)of breathing room and to be able to tell the banks to go fuck themselves.It is dfficult-but very doable.

I also just turned 50.I had a great birthday party in San Francisco surrounded by friends and family.I treated myself to a little fun(met him at the Stud)but even this was scaled back from the orgy I had originally planned on :lol:

Anyway-I hope to see some of you in Palm Springs next month.

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