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Possible cure for AIDS &, incidentally, the end of life as we know it.

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My initial reaction to this new technology was hope that it might prove to be the long awaited cure for HIV infection (and whatever else might ail us). Then I got to thinking.

Folks, we have just sleepwalked across the Rubicon into the era of post-human and nobody's even talking about it. We now have a practical technical means to edit/alter/rewrite the human genome in precise detail, a biological equivilent of cut and paste. Anyone who thinks we can ring-fence this technolgy with a few laws passed by Congress is living in some other reality than I am. I'm just put out I won't live long enough to see what kind of weird world this technology gives birth to. :(

No way this genie gets shoved back into the bottle. It's too valuable for everything from crop breeding to disease control. The potential for uber-bucks will drive rapid perfection of the technology. And the perfection of the technology will drive the emergence of post human civilization.

technology patented; 1st clinical trials already under way [Click on the "cut and paste" graphic to see how it all works.]

AdamSmith, GM Franken-nauts might just make your dream of colonization of space feasible. :D

Alea iacta est, y'all. :P Fasten your safety belts.

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