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GO GO SISTER BINGO-12/13 at MJ's in LA

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I plan to go as long as it isn't raining too hard. I have a 64 mile drive to MJs and don't really want to do that in the rain. But otherwise I'll see you there.

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Rain in SOCAL? Perish the thought, even though this is supposedly the "rainy" season. CA is a desert and it really doesn't ever REALLY rain there, does it?

Best regards,


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It's raining right now as I type this. We have had 3 storms go through in the last week with the last one coming through Saturday and Sunday. When it does rain here it RAINS. And people in SoCal treat rain like it is snow and drive all over the place if you know what I mean. . .

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Townie -

That was a lot of fun. The group you invited certainly was a lucky bunch with 7 of us winning "stuff" including two double winners !! Even Townie won something this time.

Thanks for the invite. I will go back again. That's a great way to spend a Sunday late afternoon.

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