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Guest StuCotts

Johnston's johnson

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Guest StuCotts

As of today, the endlessly hyped shots are available on Playgirl's website, but only to subscribers, which I haven't the advantage of being. Any reviews for us outsiders? Better yet, some cut and paste? Please?

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Guest StuCotts

Expat, many thanks for taking the trouble.

Pretty bland doings, considering all the many weeks of anticipatory heavy breathing. An anticlimax in every sense.

Playgirl hints at steamier offerings by saying more installments are coming. Seeing will be believing.

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Guest StuCotts

2nd set of Levi pics released. You can see them here:


Thanks again.

This whole Levi thing seems more and more like much ado about nothing, with the coy approach to showing what there is to show, and the disappointing body, presumably the product of a killer regime of weights and such, but still looking like an ice cream sculpture. Maybe they have a boffo finish in store for those who persevere. I'll harbor a hope.

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still looking like an ice cream sculpture

I know escorts who have canceled photo sessions because their pecs had fallen into the condition his are in.

As for the 'Johnston' tattoo, regrettable that the typeface brings to mind the B.F. Goodrich logo.


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