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New Contest on MER

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We are thinking of doing another contest in celebration of our new relaunch that relates to reviews. Possibly for each review submitted both the reviewer and the escort reviewed gets their name in a hat for a special prize. Any suggestions? What do you think?

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The only reason I submit reviews is because I benefit from the existing ones and feel I should do what I can to contribute. Since I prefer to fly under the radar, the thought of possibly winning a prize for submitting a review is a disincentive for me. I would probably not submit during the contest period.

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The only reason I submit reviews is because I benefit from the existing ones and feel I should do what I can to contribute. Since I prefer to fly under the radar, the thought of possibly winning a prize for submitting a review is a disincentive for me. I would probably not submit during the contest period.

We would certainly allow anyone who wanted to fly under the radar to opt out of the drawing. No problem at all for us and easy to do.

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Great idea! Likewise, it may just incent me to quit polluting the forums long enough to clear my 17-review backlog. Or 19? <_<

As for staying under the radar -- no prob! To collect (ahem) my prize $ the last time around, I had simply to give Oz an email address linked to my PayPal account. This happened to be my real name (as I trust Oz absolutely, despite knowing him only through email and this site). But one could easily create a fictional email address and use it to set up a PayPal account.

And when I took Andre to NYC to blow the dough, he assured me there was no scarlet "MER" blazoned across my chest as we went about town. :D

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Guest ryan2552

We are thinking of doing another contest in celebration of our new relaunch that relates to reviews. Possibly for each review submitted both the reviewer and the escort reviewed gets their name in a hat for a special prize. Any suggestions? What do you think?

Sounds like an interesting concept. Being new to this forum / site not certain how the last one worked but I guess it did well otherwise you would not have a second.

It would be fun if the client and the escort he reviewed were one entry. That way a prize might be shared by the two of them. Maybe a prize could be a site paid overnight appointment with the same escort at a 4 or 5 star hotel in the city the winners select?

Just an idea from left field.

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Guest StuCotts

The reviews are an important draw. Highlighting them with a contest sounds smart, especially if you offer a prize to both reviewer and reviewee.

If the client for reasons of his own can't or won't accept his prize, I expect you'll allow the escort to collect his own.

Will only positive reviews be considered? It's tough to write a negative review and be anything but factual. But if some client should tear an escort's performance to shreds (deservedly, one assumes) and do it brilliantly, could he theoretically win?

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Will only positive reviews be considered?

Of course not. The contest is not intended to skew reviews in any direction. All reviews will be subjected to the same vetting and acceptance procedure in place since site inception.

It's tough to write a negative review and be anything but factual. But if some client should tear an escort's performance to shreds (deservedly, one assumes) and do it brilliantly, could he theoretically win?

It's possible I guess, as Oz's original post seems to anticipate a lottery. In a lottery the more tickets one holds the greater the chance to win. However, only one ticket is drawn to win. Anyone might hold that ticket.

As this is Oz's vision, I will defer to him on the final contest design.

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Guest StuCotts

Of course not. The contest is not intended to skew reviews in any direction. All reviews will be subjected to the same vetting and acceptance procedure in place since site inception.

It's possible I guess, as Oz's original post seems to anticipate a lottery. In a lottery the more tickets one holds the greater the chance to win. However, only one ticket is drawn to win. Anyone might hold that ticket.

As this is Oz's vision, I will defer to him on the final contest design.

I had a different vision of the contest from the one you describe. Hence my questions, which must not have made any sense to you. Sorry.

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