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Gay Related Wikipedia Controversy

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Over the past couple of days a weird controversy has erupted over at wikipedia. A bunch of women want the term "girlfag" included on the site.


They define a "girlfag" as a woman who identifies as a gay man and seeks out sex with gay men. They make a distinction between that and a "fag hag" who is primarily seeking friendship with gay men.

Wikipedia doesn't believe they exist and wants to pull the entry.

Several sites have now gotten into arguments about it. The most interesting is on Live Journal - http://community.livejournal.com/girlfags/77702.html - where Janet Hardy, the author of "The Ethical Slut" is arguing on the side of the girl fags.

What do you guys think?

Some weird feminine fantasy, or something that exists in the real world?

What do you think wikipedia should do?


It makes me wonder if in the same way we all know "straight" guys who sometimes have sex with other dudes if there are also "gay" guys who sometimes bang the ladies.

I mean, I assume these girls are not celibate and they all insist t hey don't want bi men...


Sexuality is more than a state of either/or. If these folks want to claim they have a gay guy fetish, let them. I think rather by definition though if the guy is banging them, he's bi. Which is cool, because I think there's too much pressure to self-identify in binary categories.

I banged some chicks in college. It was fine. Wasn't the thrill of doing a guy, but I had a good time. I suspect many of us have slept with women at one point or another.



It's interesting. Out of curiosity I went back through their older entries and the thing is the more gay the guys is the more they like them.

Their theory is that "straight" boys want them just for their pussy, while if a guy is gay and still wants to fuck him it has to be because of who they are since they don't like pussy.

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