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New Opening for Supreme Court Justice

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My hopes are for the most intelligent man for the job and the one that would be a touch pick for Obama but a very smart move. Bill Clinton. ^_^

The Supreme Court couldn't contain his ego or interest, even if he had all nine seats. I don't say this disrespectfully. The Supreme Court is a cloistered environment, secretive with all the action behind the curtains. That just isn't Bill's element. He loves attention from, and interaction with the movers and shakers. This just doesn't comport with the most junior Justice on the SCOTUS. There is no doubt in my mind that he would decline if asked.

There is also the problem that he was disbarred for perjury. I suspect that rises to the level of an automatic practical disqualification. The public hearings would be a circus.

Too many other qualified people with much less baggage requiring significantly less expenditure of political capital and much greater chance of confirmation.

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Besides the cum stains would really show on his black robes.

LOL! Now are we talking Bill or AdamSmith here? :P He might be clutching more than his Blackberry. :D

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Guest Conway

There also might be that slight problem with him having to resign from the bar in light of the fact that he was about to be disbarred for perjuring himself.

I'm sure that there are some wonderful candidates from the left who would make a far better justice than Bill Clinton.

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There also might be that slight problem with him having to resign from the bar in light of the fact that he was about to be disbarred for perjuring himself.

Niceties being, well what they are, yes, techincally he did resign but with that disbarment shotgun held to his brow. And that was ok.

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