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The Gayest Painting I have seen

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From Towleroad:

In my online travels I ran across this kitschy take on Noah's Ark yesterday on Flickr and was momentarily stunned by the gayness of it all. 'Noah's Gay Wedding Cruise', which artist Paul Richmond created for a gallery show called “Sweet & Low: Optimism in a Pessimistic Age” at Gallery Arcane in San Francisco, features an iconic cast of characters — Ellen & Portia, Rosie and Kelli, Jack Twist and Ennis del Mar, Bert and Ernie, Elton John and David Furnish as well as penguins and assorted other homo fauna.

However, I was much more amused by the range of drowning sinners bobbing about in the flood: a sopped Ann Coulter, Larry Craig clinging to a toilet, Sally Kern, Fred Phelps, and Kenneth Starr. That's Pat Boone's guitar. A 'Yes on 8' supporter.

As art it's not really up my alley, but I could certainly appreciate the message.




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Guest mineallmine

This cracks me up! Reminds me of my Noah's Arc comment when it was raining cats and dogs here. Load the escorts on two by two!

I have seen some strange art in my lifetime. I went to a gallery showing where the sculpter took every day common objects and turned them into larger then life things. Like he took a bunch of blakc dress socks and stuffed them and then created a dripping melting candle out of them. Another one he took q-tips and built this giant mobile with all these weird shapes hanging on fishing line and "poles" made of giant q-tips.

It always amazes me what people will call art.

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