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Guest FourAces

My Lunch With Lucky & Jackhammer

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Guest FourAces

This was a top secret meeting in Los Angeles. The recent lunch took place at Numbers which was my choice for security reasons.

About an hour before the lunch a "friend" of mine showed up and made certain all was safe. He took a strategic position just outside and waited for Lucky and Jackhammer to arrive. Note Jackhammer left his zip code at home as pre-arranged.

Anyway once they were inside and seated my ummm "friend" gave my a call and told me it was on. I slowly made my way toward the door. My "friend" followed me inside taking up position at the bar. I quickly headed over to the table where the two were already in a joval conversation.

Hello I heard myself say... I'm FourAces. They both instantly stopped talking and looked up at me. Lucky placed his hand insie his jacket which made me a bit nervous while Jackhammer suggested it best that I take a seat.

As I sat down I reached out to shake Jackhammer's hand hoping Lucky would remove his from inside his jacket to shake my hand as well. I extended my hand to Lucky and he just nodded. Now I'm wondring if this was such a good idea.

After all I know Lucky thinks I'm the man behind the now defunct RicoReport. A blog that did not have good things to say about him or Jackhammer for that matter. The RicoReport was a fun daily read bt apparently some didn't see the humor or was there any humor meant?

Anyway, the conversation began slowly. I decided it best to stick with things the 3 of us have experienced in our own way. Escorts and escort sites was probably a good way to begin so I thought.

As I started to recount some of my experiences Lucky told me to shut up. For a old man he sure is pretty tough. Whereas Jackhammer had a slightly more laid back SoCal personality that I was used to; Lucky had some east coast thing going on.

I probably shouldn't go into details about what took place next. Like so many reviews on Daddys Site I'll just leave that to your imagination.

When it was time to leave I kept hearing this buzzing sound. WTF I thought whats this ringing in my ear. Then I realized what it was .... to be continued (maybe)

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