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Alterosas Sauna in Sao Paulo Closed

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FloridaRob, BigDaddy and I got a car to take us to Alterosas today. We were all quite excited. When we arrived, we found a empty parking lot and a for sale sign on the building. I was very disappointed. We decided to check out Fragata instead and I had a great time.

The saunas in Sao Paulo are a lot of fun but for me, Saturday was always Alterosas day. So many hot guys and so much fun. It was a legend in the sauna scene here and I am sad to see it move on. A few of the boys from the other saunas told us the police closed it because of drugs.

I had some good times there and it will be missed.

Its passing reminded me of the last days of Stella's in NYC. One minute there and lively and the next, gone into the history books.

My favorite programa at the sauna there was with 2 brothers who let me take turns with them each. I just love twins and these 2 were hot.

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My story about Alterosas is a sadder story about what might have been... but it is incredibly vivid in my memory bank. I went there (with you, in fact, Oz) and we told the car from the Intercontinental to pick us up again in 2 hours. We stayed and I actually found no one that appealed to me, so I just sat and enjoyed a few drinks and the conversation.

Then after two hours, our car returned and we all went outside to take it back to the city. As I turned for a last look at the sauna, I saw a small group of boys who had just come there to work, and one of them was an absolutely incredibly stunning blond twink that still sticks in my mind to this day.

And off we drove. :(

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