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Doubt...Did He, or Didn't He?

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Great Movie. I came to this movie with no back round knowledge. I hadn't read the book (assuming there is one), or seen the Broadway production (which I think I heard there was).

I left the movie with no firm conviction of guilt or innocence. I certainly want to believe in Father Flynn's innocence and not believe the hateful Sister Aloysius (agree with the cacophony of opinion that Meryl's performance was brilliant).

What do you think?

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I found Phillip Seymore Hoffman's performance to be the weak link in this otherwise terrific film.

I am getting more than a little bored with his one note acting-while it is a good note he does need more depth than what I have witnessed from him.

I also felt he shaded his charecter a little too strongly towards the "guilty"side.

You are supposed to walk out of this with no decession one way or the other-you are just full of doubt.

I revisited this movie this past weekend,along with The Reader-two serious films that provide a lot of material for soul searching.

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