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My less than exciting New Years celebration

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Spent at it home-alone working :(

I was in bed asleep on NYE at 9 pm -up at 4 am(when many of the party boys I hang around with where just getting to bed) :lol:

I really do not mind-next weekend will be my nights to party in Las Vegas-I have even taken monday off work to do so(My make up day for working New Years Day)Most of my working life I have had to work on holidays-or the day after.So this is nothing new.

Stilllllllllll, one does feel a bit embarased when telling the tale :P

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Guest Conway

I'm not much of a New Years Eve fan anymore. It is expensive. It is clearly amateur's night out in the bars. It is crowded. More often than not, it is impossible to get a drink.

Over the years, I have clearly decided that a house party or dinner and outstanding libations with a few close friends is far more preferential to fighting the drunken obnoxious crowds out there in the world on this particular night.

The crowd is far less manic and the price of a nice night out id far more manageable on 0New Years night than New Years Eve.

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