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a fat mans holiday lament

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I am a fat man.I love food.I have been trying to diet(and yes this is unusual)so that I do not go into my fifties in a wheelchair or a stretcher.

People who are otherwise kind and intelegent have been sending me goodies this year-even those who know I am trying to be good.

I know the mean well(at least I hope so)but c'mon!Would you send an alchie a bottle of wine?Of course not.Even my mom sent candy and she knows what I am trying to do :(

I do not mean to come of as ungratefull-but honest I would not miss the candy or the cookies or the Tower o' Sweets this year(or next as a matter of fact)

I am going to play Santa tommorow night at Numbers and give my goodies away to those with better metabolisms than mine :D

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Guest Barr1965

I am going to play Santa tommorow night at Numbers and give my goodies away to those with better metabolisms than mine :D

I will there tomorrow, so do I get a goodies? You know what I like :rolleyes:

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