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Guest StuCotts

The shallow end of realpolitik

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Guest StuCotts

Male national leaders are, in the great majority, messes to look at. I nominate three who, to my mind, depart from the generality. There must be more, depending on tastes.

Obama -- Top of the line. Lean swimmer's body, a manner so cool it's hot, handsome face, dazzling smile. I fantasize endless tongue duels.

Putin -- Ol' Vlada's body is truly hunky. Great face. His sinister expression and hard taskmaster's demeanor promise a howling good time to adepts of chain and whip.

Sarkozy -- An unquestionable hottie in younger days, now a bit careworn, but my instinct and an occasional flash of basket suggest to me that he has a dick like a horse. If his work habits are an indication, he's a regular Energizer bunny in bed.

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