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Drill Baby! Drill!

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When the delegates were chanting "Drill Baby! Drill!" last night I was unsure if this was a call for new oil exploration or simply the GOP leather daddies trying to seduce some cubs.

I will say as a former madam in NYC, my biggest grossing week was the Republican Convention in Philly. These guys really do know how to PARTY!

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Guest EurythmicThrust

That might be back in the day before YouTube, Drudge, 24/7 news cycle...

Escort pal reported back from the Twin Cities that except for one 'delegate" who was pre-booked, he saw nor heard no other requests...nor other working boys....of course there is no truth to the rumor of a "fun time to be had" at Anderson Cooper's suite.... ;)

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Guest EurythmicThrust
Maybe the republicans are just worn out after fucking the entire country for eight years?

Why so limited in scope? Screwing up your status on the WORLD stage for 8 years can be quite exhausting to the point where your all peckered out!

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