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Sock puppets

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Yesterday I posted the following in the "Content and Reviews..." thread in the Buffet here. Apologies for repeating myself (double-posting an item -- an online no-no!) but the point seems important enough to merit its own topic.

Sock puppetry - the use of fake online identities, often multiple identities registered by a single individual, "to praise, defend or create the illusion of support for one's self, allies or ideas."


A sock puppet, in Internet parlance, is a false Internet identity created for deceptive purposes... A pseudonymous identity is not the same as a false identity. In most online communities, creating multiple handles for deceptive purposes is a severe breach of 'netiquette,' resulting in banishment or disgrace. It's fine to post on a forum as, say, Princess Leia. But once you establish that identity, posting as BikerChick2006 to jeer Princess Leia's opponents is a no-no.


'Sock puppet n. [usenet: from the act of placing a sock over your hand and talking to it and pretending it's talking back] In Usenet parlance, a pseudo through which the puppeteer posts follow-ups to their own original message to give the appearance that a number of people support the views held in the original message...' From The Internet Jargon Dictionary.


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Guest JamesWilson
You only have Adam's bad examples to blame for this. B)

Hey, I think I can see an image of John McCain in that cow patty! Or maybe it is Karl Rove... :lol:

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