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10 More Things to Worry About

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In case your list of anxieties isn't long enough... :unsure:

Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth


We are definitely fucked... in the long run. The question is how far away is the long run? Could be as short as 2029 with the encounter of an especially pesky asteroid. Of course one of millions of stars in the neighborhood could go postal, I mean supenova, at any time and toast all of us.

Or closer to home, the East Coast gets inundated by a huge Tsunami eminating from the Azores as the west side of one of the islands slides into the ocean. There are a great many disasters waiting to happen that will not destroy the earth but will fuck it up pretty badly and those clinging to its surface.

One of the great benefits of cable TV is the Discovery Chanel, which has devoted unending resources to inform us about all the ways our doom might occur and even what the planet might look like after that doom.

The chicken littles had it right all along... the sky is falling. The world will end. The only uncertainties are how and when.

The only sure things: death and taxes. :o

Then as Lucky pointed out, the near term disaster that might fall upon us if the Hockey Mom is left to nest on the football. Those Russians better look out! :o

It's a good thing that Mother Nature ingrained in us a healthy instinct for distraction. Jayme and WC are two distractions that come to mind in the last couple of days. :rolleyes: Full speed ahead on the distractions.





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