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True Love

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I guess I believe in love but not sure about the typical sense of one True Love. I have loved many over the years and it seems I still have room in my heart for more. I did find that the more heartache I have experiences the less willing I am to give love a try.

I have had the same BF in Thailand for 4 years now. We are not monogamous as he is not even gay, according to him. He likes ladyboys as they are called in Thailand or TV in other places.

I have been with him a couple off weeks now and every night he tells me that he loves me. I am not good with saying it back and often feel bad that I don't. I do think he loves me and I do love him. It is not the googoo gaga type of love but the one that has developed over the years of history and friendship.

Perhaps, my closest thing to true love was my first boyfriend. I would have done anything for him. I even let myself stay in a horrible relationship with him for 5 years. It was bad after 3 months and I knew better but this feeling of love I had for him was unmistakable. I could not get out and as hard and often as I tried, I stayed in the relationship for years beyond what was healthy for either of us.

I met two guys in Thailand who have been together for over 20 years and they are monogamous. They seem perfectly happy and content and I do see they love each other immensely. I don't see true love as being synonymous with monogamy. That has never been a part of my dream guy fantasy.

When you see an escort, are you looking for an opening at love? Do you see it as possible? Or, are you pretty straight forward and it is just sex for you?

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I think our society gets us pretty confused about love. An endless diet of romantic comedies tries to persuade us that there is one form of "true love", and that if ours doesn't look like that it isn't the real thing.

I'm married. To my best friend. I spent most of my twenties trying to figure out how to get a mr. hottie that I could fall in love with. One day I woke up and realized I was already in love. This friendship as I had characterized it was deeper and richer by far than a lot of couples I knew.

But I'd been blind to it, because it wasn't sexual. It didn't look like what I thought it was supposed to look like. We've been married over 10 years now, and are happy as can be. When I want to get laid, I hire.

I think that what the heart wants and what the penis want don't have to be the same thing. As long as all parties accept it.

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Guest Barr1965

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

—I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)

In my lifetime I was very lucky and fortunate to have found a TRUE LOVE. My lover and I were together for 24 years. In the 24 years that we were together we have enjoyed each others company. Granted being together for such a long time, there were times that we had discussions but not arguments. If we do so have a discussions or disagreements we make sure that before we go to bed that we resolve the situation(s). Then we say our good nights and tell each other how lucky that we have found one another and how much we love each other. We always compromise and always had an open communications.

When you see an escort, are you looking for an opening at love? Do you see it as possible? Or, are you pretty straight forward and it is just sex for you?

Though I have gone to some RB functions recently but I never hook up with an escort. Currently, I am “friendly†with an escort but I don’t think I could ever find another TRUE LOVE. So basically it is just for sex and sometimes companionship, longing to be held by another man.

PS…. My lover recently passed away due to heart attack.

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