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Why no Politics forum

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Guest StuCotts

The reason TY doesn't want a Politics forum here...

More's the pity. It would afford unparalleled opportunities to view with horror, point with alarm, preach to the converted, recall the errant to the paths of ultimate verity, thunderously applaud one's own notions, contemn the unenlightened, kick out against the pricks (tee hee), inflict humbling mortification on the prideful, incinerate the evil with righteous lightning, trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored and flush a lot of the poisons out of one's system.

The above is intended as an inducement to TY to abandon his obduracy. What are the chances?

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I bet if you named the forum "Strange Bedfellows", it would be a big hit!

...hard to predict whether it would be the most popular forum here -- or redundant!

(For the record, I approve of strange bedfellows. As frequently as possible.)

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