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Guest CTDick

Hell hath no fury

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Guest CTDick

Here's the online story from the "Daily Mail":

"Hubris, lies and the gay affair that brought down BP boss


"Lord Browne, multi-millionaire chief executive of BP, has dramatically resigned after he admitted lying on oath to a High Court judge.

The 59-year-old, once one of Britain's most powerful businessmen, could face a charge of perjury or perverting the course of justice.

"He will also lose £15 million in cash and shares he would have received if he had retired, as he planned, in July.

"Browne, once known as the "Sun King" of the oil industry, stood down after losing a four-month legal battle against the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"He had tried to keep secret allegations that he misused BP funds, facilities and staff to help run a mobile phone business for his then gay lover, Jeff Chevalier.

"But a ruling handed down by Mr Justice Eady yesterday laid bare the scandalous lies Lord Browne had been prepared to tell to protect himself from the scrutiny of shareholders and the BP board."

And, here's the escort, Jeff Chevalier


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Guest tweety

What does this mean for all the London escort sites? I can't get into Absolute Male, Suitedandbooted or Gaylondonescort.... Have they all been shut down? Does anyone know any new ones?

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Guest FourAces

>Here's the online story from the "Daily Mail":


>"Hubris, lies and the gay affair that brought down BP




>"He had tried to keep secret allegations that he misused

>BP funds, facilities and staff to help run a mobile phone

>business for his then gay lover, Jeff Chevalier.



>And, here's the escort, Jeff Chevalier


According to this article the man is not an escort but is his lover. I think that there is a pretty big distinction between the two. If he had been the man's wife I wonder if it still would have been an issue to cause his to resign just short of retirement.

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Guest StuCotts

A cautionary tale for rich bitches. John Browne, the CEO of BP, has been brought down by his relationship with an escort-turned-bf. The NYTimes, ever prudish, covers it as a business story. The BBC is a little less reticent. The English tabs are going balls out and slobbering over every cringeworthy detail, confirmed or not, at the top of their lungs.

It seems Browne had the relationship, eventually dropped the bf and abandoned him to his own devices. Having become acustomed to a certain level of luxury, the bf, after much going round and round, threatened to sell his story to a tab. At that point it all fell apart.

My own take is to see the positive side of the life of those of us who have to work the subways to put together enough pennies to hire an escort for the very short term. No public disgrace for us!

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Guest tweety

How so? Those 3 sites were a great source of escorts for me in the past? Theyall appear to be inoperative now. Any ideas where to find great escorts in London now?

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Guest FourAces

>Just someone abusing the forum.

What is so abusive about my post related tot he topic? I made an observation ... I really would like to know specifically why you feel it is out of line?

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Guest FourAces

>Ummm ... could someone please explain the last three posts?


Specifically what is so complicated in my post that you don't understand it. BTW I will take a newspaper article's word far before some misguided poster's word on another forum.

Your post here makes me ill :(

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>>Just someone abusing the forum.


>What is so abusive about my post related tot he topic? I made

>an observation ... I really would like to know specifically

>why you feel it is out of line?

I don't. The response was to posts that were deleted. It didn't reflect on any of the present posts.

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Guest FourAces

>>>Just someone abusing the forum.


>>What is so abusive about my post related tot he topic? I


>>an observation ... I really would like to know


>>why you feel it is out of line?



>I don't. The response was to posts that were deleted. It

>didn't reflect on any of the present posts.

LOL ok TY. I did not know there were posts deleted. I read ebg comment about the first 3 posts looked and and saw I was in the first three. So I thought you had been referring to me.

It's so easy to misunderstand and/or be misunderstood on a message board. I am learning that more and more each day. That is why I try to read everything 3 times before posting to make certain I at east feel I understand what I'm responding to.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Guest FourAces

ebg disregard my comments please. TY clarified the situation for me. I would delete them however, I'm pass the edit time frame. It was my misunderstanding.

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Guest twinklover

FA, you motherfucker, I really do wish to meet you at a poker table someday. But in the meantime, let me just agree with this topic "No money No honey". And I would add this from the new Fergie hit "Glamorous":

"If youi don't got no money take your broke ass home."

Don't you agree Scott Adler?

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