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RentBoy Social Events

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I was recently in Palm Springs for two weeks of R&R that straddled the RentBoy Pool Party and the White Party the following weekend. This was my first visit to one of the RentBoy social events and I guess I’m a little confused about their purpose. I thought they were parties where you go to meet, mingle and get acquainted with boys you might like to hire later (many who advertised on the RentBoy site stayed in PSP the entire week sandwiched between the two events and presumably had ‘down time’ mid-week between the two parties). If these are marketing venues, then I guess I’m a little confused since all of the boys seemed completely unapproachable and made little or no attempt to mingle with prospective clients. They mostly kept to themselves and mingled with each other. Ditto for the after party the following afternoon/evening at the Oasis Bar. Not that there is anything wrong with the boys enjoying each other’s company, and in fact that may be the purpose of these events. Or if they are events that one attends with a boy you have already hired I guess that would make sense too. I did in fact do some hiring that week, but not on the basis of any ‘get acquainted’ talk or mingling at the party. I just looked at who was available that week on the RentBoy site. I’m extremely shy and introverted, and admittedly not very forward, and have never been comfortable in bars or other gay social settings. But since I assumed this was a party for prospective clients and boys to meet, I thought I would be comfortable in this venue. I guess I’m too accustomed to the Montreal scene where the boys at the strip clubs are all over you. I can’t even walk down St. Catherine’s street, minding my own business, without an attractive boy soliciting company. Clearly I wasn’t expecting THAT degree of interaction, but I thought there would be some mingling and socializing between boys and prospective clients on some level -‘courtesy introductions’ if you will. Presumably, everyone in attendance was looking to hire or at least thinking about hiring, so from a purely marketing perspective it would make sense that there would be at least some interaction with prospective clients. Granted I didn’t spring for the VIP pass at the Helios Resort and things were a little crowded, but at the Oasis Bar party the following afternoon/evening it was a very small crowd. There must have been at least a dozen boys when I was there and only a handful of prospective clients who seemed just as out of place and totally ignored as I was. Given the small number of clients at this setting it would have been nice (and polite) to get at least a simple ‘hello, how are you? My name is so and so and I’m glad you could make it to our little party, etc.’ I guess I’m totally off base and completely misunderstood the purpose of the entire venue. I’m not trying to denigrate the whole scene – just trying to make sense of it. From a purely client perspective it seemed like a total waste of time.

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eeyore,this was mostly an event for the boys themselves-and if you got to know a few it was pretty easy to get an introduction to others.

I know most here will not belive me but I am shy around new people also(NO-REALLY I AM!!!!)but have been hanging around a few of these guys for a while that I know to say hi.

As two of the board members here posted their intention to attend you could have dropped one of us a private to tell us you were attending,That is how I have met many of the MERmen.

You have to be willing to share of yourself in order for others to help you meet new folks.I am sure the first time you went to Montreal the boys were not all over you,not if you were sitting by yourself.But as they got to recognize you and stop by and say hi then the others would see that there was a prospect for buisiness in you and they would stop over to let you know they were available-that is how it worked for almost all of us.I was lucky-my first visit to Montreal was with some well established guys-so my "bonafides"were already in place as it were.

I had a great time at the party,got to meet some great new people-and guess what?Even with all of that I did not get laid.I was fine with that.I did make out with a couple of boys-but that was it.

I did have the VIP access-but that was no great shakes.It did get me some extra meet and greet time before the general public.Tje "VIP"area was really not all that well screened off-anybody could access it .

But I got to see a lot of beautiful men frolicking in the nude-in the flesh-not on video.And I have some material for fanasizing,and some references for future hires.

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Thanks for the feedback. After re-reading my post I confess that it does come across as rather brooding and negative (written in one of my darker moments). Your reply was constructive, positive and thoughtful. I guess it helps that in Montreal I wear a neon sign over my head that says ATM. I forgot to bring it to Palm Springs...

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Guest Funseeker22

With that ATM sign I know a certain someone who would have found you.;-) . Unfortunately, or not, he loves to shop,shop, shop.

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Guest twinklover

Well so do we. So let's shop, shop, shop. There's a free market on both sides of the equation of supply and demand (Adam Smith I know you love it). Even in my most radical days on my college campus, I never doubted the beauty and wonder of free markets. So certain escorts who want to shop, shop. shop, and others who want to charge outrageous prices under the rubric of "price varies". can do so. No complaints from me, on an official basis.

I only wish to add this informal and extraneous comment to some of you escorts: you bitches don't know how lucky you are. There will be a next wave behind you who may be eager, affectionate, forthcoming, thankful and gracious (just like some of the boys we already know in Sydney and Montreal and other places). Most of you American escorts suck. This new wave of escorts may not be as pretentious and price-guaging as you. You want an honest opinion. There it is.

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Towny you put it well.

I have found through putting myself out there and sometimes taking the time to walk up to the guys and introduce myself works best.

Many of the guys that go to the events I know personally and they are great. Give them another chance and go on the cruise to Prague with us!


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