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Guest Riptide

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Guest Riptide

I just came accross this terrific resource which is marketed for those living in urban areas, but what a great resource for those visiting major cities for the first time. The "search data base" feature is a particulary useful tool.

NFT, it's not just for residents anymore.....:-)


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Guest StuCotts

In case anybody is interested:

This book is offered as a gift in exchange for a pledge during drives on our local NPR station. I assume the same happens in other cities. An opportunity to do good and get a terrific book.

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Just got done with looking at the Chicago food section and let me tell ya I can already see myself getting into trouble trying to figure out the best pizza place, hot dog place and so forth. My poor is grumbling thinking and knowing on all the great food it is missing out on :( Looks like I am gonna have to do some major saving just for food when I'm back out there this summer for my bday :D



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