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New Zealand's Central Bank Hacked - Can This Ever Be Stopped?

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News today that one of New Zealand's Central Bank data systems has been hacked. Sensitive personal and commercial information may have been affected.

No doubt there will be more and more major organisations around the world hacked. It seems to have been going on for at leats a decade and it doesn't matter how big the company is. Nearly 1 billion accounts at Facebook hacked. 200 million Instagram accounts. 500 million at Marriott Hotels, 500 million at Yahoo, 510,000 at Citigroup - and the list goes on. According to wikipedia, in 2019 a collection of 2.7 billion identity records including 774 unique email addresses and 21 million unique passwords was posted for sale on the internet!

I do not know if it helps but I refuse to do any telephone banking. Yet almost all banks are pushing clients to change to this form of banking. And many banks have themselves been hacked!


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it's almost impossible to imagine but may be one day internet banking will meet fate of supersonic passenger jet and will be distant memory along with British Empire ?.

Many years ago , after my telephone company made wrong charge to my account  and it took couple month to reverse it I decline automatic debits unless it's absolutely unavoidable and I don't care if world is going in other direction.


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On 1/11/2021 at 10:25 AM, PeterRS said:

I do not know if it helps but I refuse to do any telephone banking.

I thought telephone banking was near obsolete, as people move to internet banking.

It can't all be bad.  I remember getting some USD out of an ATM in Cambodia.  I typed in the amount and hit enter.  My phone immediately bleeped and I was able to read the full details and exchange rate on my banking app, before the ATM responded.   So the options for tracking transactions are good.

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6 hours ago, z909 said:

I thought telephone banking was near obsolete, as people move to internet banking.

I have accounts with three banks in three countries. I have used internet banking for some years. Now all three are pushing me to switch to their phone apps.

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