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Guest travelerjim

Thank You Spice Magazine: Donations for Allen "Gay Pattayan"

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Guest travelerjim

Dear GT Friends,


Special Thanks to "Spice" Magazine - for they have kindly made their secure bank server available to process Visa and MasterCard Credit Card donations for the Allen Briggs Medical Care Fund.


The information is now on their webpages:


http://www.spicemag.net/?page=Allen .


Just go to the bottom of the page and click on the "Donate Visa MasterCard" logo.


Enter your credit card information and the amount you wish to donate (in US $$$) and the contribution will be transferred to the Thais4Life Bank Account for the Benefit of Allen Briggs' Care.


Also - the information for ATM and Thailand Bank transfers within Thailand is also included.


Thank again to "Spice" Magazine for making your secure credit card server available in this time of need for the Gay Pattayan.












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