a447a Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Why attack older posters on the board with names like this? All of you younger guys will some day be older. If you want to be respected, then respect others. Don't harangue people for having successfully passed so many barriers to old age! We don't know how old anyone here is. On the internet you can be any age you want to be.
Guest shamahan Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 I feel a need to post about a situation I was a bystander to last night. I do not visit go go bars anymore. Not only because I do not understand why I should pay three times more than I used to for the same (or worse) services but also because the atmosphere in these establishments changed to the worse and became more cynical and transactional. I would have a very difficult time to call a working prostitute in such an establishment who simply use my kindness as a way to have a free food or a free sleep in my appartment , a friend. There are many other ways to meet guys in places like BKK and to try to romantisize or demonize a quick transactional encounter between a working prostitute and a John is plain stupid. Get a life.
Guest samebb Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 I do not visit go go bars anymore. Not only because I do not understand why I should pay three times more than I used to for the same (or worse) services but also because the atmosphere in these establishments changed to the worse and became more cynical and transactional. I would have a very difficult time to call a working prostitute in such an establishment who simply use my kindness as a way to have a free food or a free sleep in my appartment , a friend. There are many other ways to meet guys in places like BKK and to try to romantisize or demonize a quick transactional encounter between a working prostitute and a John is plain stupid. Get a life. While I agree, you have a number of things mixed up here. I wasn't in a gogo bar. I was in a bar. And I actually agree with many of your gogo bar comments. It's why I rarely go into them. Many of the boys who work at these bars, are paid to do so. They are paid by the bar to serve drinks ect. That is their job. Sometimes they may CHOOSE to go with a customer for money, but as many people know a good number of these boys make enough money from working the bars and tips per night they don't actually need to go with customers for sex. Depends on the bar, depends on the boy. They can make 600-1000 a night. Not bad money for Thailand. I unfortunately broke up with my Thai boyfriend a few weeks ago which left me at a loose end, probably why I am back on Twilight a lot. I agree totally there are many ways to find love in Bangkok and it certainly is probably done best a long way from Soi Twilight. But I was not talking about love here either. I actually live in Bangkok. I am not here for a for days or weeks. As for getting a life, well my like is fantastic thank you! Have a nice day!
ChristianPFC Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 There is a story where, in addition to my inexperience (in 2011), everything went wrong and I paid a boy in Pattaya 200 Baht for long time (but we did not have sex, there were several turn-offs that I discovered in the course of our time). Full story here: http://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?12235-Lowest-tip-ever
a447a Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 The Eros story is one we hear so often. I have also witnessed farang who have their way with boys and don't tip at all!! Not one single baht. And yes, the boys do, understandably, get upset. Why should they work for nothing? I've often "helped out" some of those guys, especially if they were guys I knew. If the offending farang comes back to the bar, he'll be ignored. kokopelli and ChristianPFC 2
PeterRS Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Get a life. I have always thought this is the most idiotic phrase. Its an attempted put down but it always says so much more about the poster writing it than the poster he is criticising. NIrishGuy, Londoner and kokopelli 3
Guest samebb Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 I have always thought this is the most idiotic phrase. Its an attempted put down but it always says so much more about the poster writing it than the poster he is criticising. Couldn't have put it better myself Off to Silom now. Saturday night!
sglad Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 reader, the customer stiffed the boy with a shit tip. The so called audience were there,not to witness the event, but as bystanders, nothing more and nothing less. That kind of blowjob deserves a 300 Baht tip not 20 or 40 Baht. Is it a sliding scale? As in 40B for poor technique and too much teeth and 500B for an out- of-this-world-blowout experience? What does 350B get you? Hey hang on, this is confusing - it's the blower who pays the blowee?
Guest ronnie4you Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Sure I am a bully, that makes sense. You will be blocked now. Goodbye. No time for you I don't know if you are a bully or not. But you don't have so much experience on Thailand as many of the people here, but you seem determined to be taken as some kind of expert. You are a younger guy paying for sex at an age when most of us were still getting it for free. That's fine, but a high horse doesn't suit you. I don't block people myself, but feel free to block me.
sglad Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 I have always thought this is the most idiotic phrase. Its an attempted put down but it always says so much more about the poster writing it than the poster he is criticising. http://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?18420-Where-is-everyone&p=214994&highlight=get+a+life#post214994 Still hurts I guess.
sglad Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Couldn't have put it better myself Off to Silom now. Saturday night! I can think of a dozen more interesting places other than Silom to go to on a Saturday night but each to his own. Have fun and I hope there's no "glass check" at the door.
reader Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 ... the farang was a cheap bastard. Don't doubt that at all. Purpose of my post to lend a bit of humor to the thread. View your post of this incident in the same way because it made me laugh. kokopelli 1
PeterRS Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Still hurts I guess. Looking at that thread you clearly refer to a poster named Manforallseasons. But in drawing attention to any thread on any other Board you surely realise you have broken the agreement you made between yourself and the owner of this Board Scooby - sglad, on 24 Apr 2017 - 03:28 AM, said: I cleared it with Scooby and it's OK for me to address these spurious allegations as long as I confine it to this thread (which I volunteered to do). That thread was titled sawatdii pii mai. And you obviously pay no heed whatever to what the poster Michael said in the same thread What happens at SGT stays at SGT. I could give a rat's ass what went on there. I don't have the time or the desire to read threads on another site about feuds. All are welcome here to participate as long as they stay nice and friendly. And, if they contribute some sexy photos or hot trip reports, amazing. And, if they have a few good places to eat and share some insight others don't have, fabulous. Posters on this forum are not interested in what goes on elsewhere. Leave your imagined grievances where they belong. But then of course its your life, isnt it? No photos or trip report of the time to Pattaya you told us about? bobsaigon, vinapu and ChristianPFC 3
Guest shamahan Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 The Eros story is one we hear so often. I have also witnessed farang who have their way with boys and don't tip at all!! Not one single baht. And yes, the boys do, understandably, get upset. Why should they work for nothing? I've often "helped out" some of those guys, especially if they were guys I knew. If the offending farang comes back to the bar, he'll be ignored. I have always thought this is the most idiotic phrase. Its an attempted put down but it always says so much more about the poster writing it than the poster he is criticising. Everybody (especially relatively young guy who permanently lives in BKK) who spends a time in a pathetic tourist trap like soi Twilight and pays 3000 baht or more for short time with a prostitute should get a life. I know it hurts to hear that. But really should not be an excuse for posting the bullshit OP posted.
kokopelli Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Is it a sliding scale? As in 40B for poor technique and too much teeth and 500B for an out- of-this-world-blowout experience? What does 350B get you? Hey hang on, this is confusing - it's the blower who pays the blowee? Are you trolling or what?
steveboy Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 I don't block people myself, but feel free to block me. By blocking you mean "put on ignore"? I have experience with this. One guy in this forum had announced with much fanfare that he allegedly put me on "ignore". Every once in a while he dis-ignores me to send me a spiteful attacking post, maybe because he didn't like something I wrote. I find this hilarious, because it tells me that he must be smoldering in hate, looking for any opportunity to dump it on me. Which makes me think of the absurdity of placing people on "ignore". It is a contradiction, because to do this is the furthest away from ignoring. I would never do it. Why give someone the satisfaction of knowing that he irritates me so much that I have to protect myself in such a dumb way? It is much better not having to hate anyone in this forum, no matter what he writes.
PeterRS Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Everybody (especially relatively young guy who permanently lives in BKK) who spends a time in a pathetic tourist trap like soi Twilight and pays 3000 baht or more for short time with a prostitute should get a life. I know it hurts to hear that. But really should not be an excuse for posting the bullshit OP posted. The OP said long time - not short time. 3000 for a whole day rather than just one night is not outrageous for Bangkok IMO. Besides, it was not the OP who made the agreement. But whatever was decided and agreed that is a matter for that customer and that barboy. It is of no business of others. I also believe that how other people decide to spend their evenings maybe after a hard days work is also their business, not ours. Suggesting some other person get a life remains for me a ridiculous suggestion. bobsaigon, kokopelli, DivineMadman and 1 other 4
spoon Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Someone who read the thread mostly about hiring boys tells another to gets a life is pretty much a hypocrite who got nothing better to do other than telling people to get a life. Just saying. bobsaigon and a447a 2
sglad Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Are you trolling or what? No. You said: That kind of blowjob deserves a 300 Baht tip not 20 or 40 Baht. So I inferred there must be some kind of sliding scale for different kinds of blowjob although 20-40B seems to be too low for any kind of sexual activity. Or perhaps not. I've heard of "red light" houses or brothels in seedy neighbourhoods where Thai men can have sex for 100-200B a pop. Second, wouldn't the person receiving the bj be the one who pays? Hence my question. Back to your main point: once the boy realised he had been shortchanged, why didn't he and the mamasan immediately confront his customer especially as a447a says incidents of under-tipping are not uncommon for these onsite activities. You'd think they'd have a mechanism in place for dealing with such customers.
sglad Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Looking at that thread you clearly refer to a poster named Manforallseasons. But in drawing attention to any thread on any other Board you surely realise you have broken the agreement you made between yourself and the owner of this Board Scooby - I see what you did there, Kellyanne. Not about MFAS or me at all but whatever. Suggesting some other person get a life remains for me a ridiculous suggestion. Yup, still hurts.
PeterRS Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 You obviously did not read what you posted. You have also not responded why you posted in this thread in direct contravention of your agreement (your words not mine) with the Board owner and the expressed desire of the former owner of the board. And no report from your Pattaya trip? Im sure others find this all becoming so tedious.
Jasper Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Hello guys, I would appreciate it if you could continue your battle with PMs.
kokopelli Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Second, wouldn't the person receiving the bj be the one who pays? Hence my question. Back to your main point: once the boy realised he had been shortchanged, why didn't he and the mamasan immediately confront his customer especially as a447a says incidents of under-tipping are not uncommon for these onsite activities. You'd think they'd have a mechanism in place for dealing with such customers. Now that would be novel, a bar boy paying a customer to blow him! Since I wasn't there I don't know all the details. Most likely the customer made a quick exit after paying his bin and tipping the boy.
Guest ryanasia Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Places like Twilight are getting squeezed. I certainly would not intervene in a dispute around there.