Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I feel a need to post about a situation I was a bystander to last night. I was sitting at one of the less frequented bars on Twilight. A boy I have become very close with over the last couple of weeks was sat with a customer. It wasn't exactly a problem, I know the other boys at the bar and they kept me company. After about 30 minutes something happened behind me. All the boys swung their heads to see what was going on. I turned around. To my shock the guy sitting with my friend had pushed him away and walked out the bar. There was a couple of minutes of the boys talking loudly before I was informed of the situation. Turned out the guy had refused to pay him and got angry when asked to pay up. My friend talked me through the whole thing. This guy had contacted him on Hornet that morning. 3000 was agreed on for long-time (the whole day). I saw the conversation. He went to his hotel. Sex happened, twice. They went for food and ended up at his work (the bar I was at). Now I am not one to get angry easily, but this behaviour is vile. He left my friend in near tears. I paid the bar fine and took him for dinner. We went home and watched a movie and had some sleep and I gave him 2500 which he was very thankful. As a note, he often stays at my place, not as a money boy, just a friend. No money involved. Have any of you experienced behaviour like this before? These boys have no recourse when they get scammed like this, especially the non-Thai boys. If I see this guy on Twilight again, I will call him out, loudly and publicly. Quite frankly he deserves a good beating but I am not the type to resort to violence. He may have blocked all the boys at the bar on Hornet. But I have him bookmarked!!
NIrishGuy Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I paid the bar fine and took him for dinner. We went home and watched a movie and had some sleep and I gave him 2500 which he was very thankful. As a note, he often stays at my place, not as a money boy, ..........If I see this guy on Twilight again, I will call him out, loudly and publicly. Quite frankly he deserves a good beating but ..........I have him bookmarked!! Man I wish I had friends like you for overtime that one of my customers fuck me over, Whilst your actions as a friend are admirable surely the boys like every other "business person" need to learn how to handle such situations and to put a little bit of money away "just in case" etc ( ok ok I know they don't but us just continually bailing them out sometimes doesn't help either maybe - that's not a criticism of your kind act but the way, more just an observation. Also are you aware was there a reason that the guy walked away without paying ? As you say it seems quite extreme and not normal behaviour, so was there perhaps something said or done or some information revealed to the farang that caused his extreme reaction ( just before you go off of him either in public or private perhaps?) And lastly I'm amazed that the boys / the bar manager ALLOWED the guy to walk off in such a manner without all hell breaking loose, he'd certainly better watch his back should he ever decide to drink in THAT bar again anyway, that's for sure,
Mark311088 Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 This kind of behavior is totally unacceptable!!! How dare he!! Exploitation of hard working boys who needs the cash to feed their family. Outrageous!!
a447a Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Rest assured, word will get around quickly among the guys in the soi. He may find it difficult to off someone.
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Man I wish I had friends like you for overtime that one of my customers fuck me over, Whilst your actions as a friend are admirable surely the boys like every other "business person" need to learn how to handle such situations and to put a little bit of money away "just in case" etc ( ok ok I know they don't but us just continually bailing them out sometimes doesn't help either maybe - that's not a criticism of your kind act but the way, more just an observation. Also are you aware was there a reason that the guy walked away without paying ? As you say it seems quite extreme and not normal behaviour, so was there perhaps something said or done or some information revealed to the farang that caused his extreme reaction ( just before you go off of him either in public or private perhaps?) And lastly I'm amazed that the boys / the bar manager ALLOWED the guy to walk off in such a manner without all hell breaking loose, he'd certainly better watch his back should he ever decide to drink in THAT bar again anyway, that's for sure, While I understand what you are saying, I did not part with my money to bail him out. I was also not asked for any money. It just felt like the right thing to do this morning. If any friend of mine was in a bad situation and asked for some help, I would always do so if I had the means. Their job or lack of would not be factor. As for the reason, as far as I can tell there wasn't one. It went from happy smiles to something else in a couple of minutes. As for the bar and other boys not getting involved they didn't know the situation. It wasn't "bar business". He met the guy on Hornet. Everyone was only made aware of the situation after the fact. There was another farang in the bar who was equally disturbed by the situation.
Londoner Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 You did the right thing. The falang's behaviour reflects badly on all of us. It is often remarked that the guys we were meeting twenty, even thirty years ago were more anxious to please; "unspoiled" if you like. Maybe what happened in more recent years is that more falangs have arrived who have less respect for them. And their reactions to falangs generally have become more cynical. That small minority have affected us all.
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 You did the right thing. The falang's behaviour reflects badly on all of us. It is often remarked that the guys we were meeting twenty, even thirty years ago were more anxious to please; "unspoiled" if you like. Maybe what happened in more recent years is that more falangs have arrived who have less respect for them. And their reactions to falangs generally have become more cynical. That small minority have affected us all. Thanks Londoner. 20 - 30 years ago? I only recently turned 30 haha!
zoomy02 Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 That is awful, especially when there are so few customers about in the post Songkran lull. For some of these lads the cash we give them is all they have in the world.
reader Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Really unusual incident. Don't recall anything quite as dramatic before, especially on Twilight. On my last trip, I frequently had a beer outside Dick's. On quite a few nights a middle age farang would come along and, uninvited, plonk down on a bench at Bonny's massage. Although all the boys seemed to know him, I never saw him take anyone upstairs. He'd just launch into stream-of-consciousness ramblings involving past wrongs done to him over time. The guys just listened and didn't seem to participate. Once or twice a night he'd dart across the street to the pool room to use the rest room. On the way in and out he'd loudly berate the boys at the tables. They just ignored him. He'd return to Bonny's and pick up where he left off. He'd occasionally harangue the customer hawkers outside Dream Boys. After about 45 minutes he'd leave. It puzzled me why no one confronted him but the more I thought about it the more I realized that ignoring him was a more Thai way of dealing with bad behavior--at least in a public place.
spoon Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Making a scene or fight its not good for business too. The boys might get fired if they did anything of sort.
Alexx Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I'd love to hear that guy's story. Either he's just an asshole or there's more to it, impossible to tell. ChristianPFC, vinapu and floridarob 3
Guest whall Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Id want to know the other side first. Two sides to every story. I've been burned before.
ChristianPFC Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 This business is prone to lies and deceptions. Having been on the receiving end of lies, deceptions, scams and thefts many times, I can't share your outrage before hearing the other side. I observed only one case of misbehavior: and there is a German living in my street, whom I have known since 2009, who is not popular (read: banned on gay bars and even in 7-Eleven!). The story of the Hmong girls who were falsely accused of stealing a watch: As a note, he often stays at my place, not as a money boy, just a friend. No money involved. You would be the first person I know of, who has money boys staying just as friends. These boys have no recourse when they get scammed like this, especially the non-Thai boys. Neither do the customers. (Speaking of experience, when I was new, I got scammed several times, realized only long after.) Jhoony 1
sglad Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I feel a need to post about a situation I was a bystander to last night. Why? To blow off steam? If so, that's understandable. To raise awareness that sex workers, pimps and their customers have problems with one another including non-payment, not fulfilment of promises made by the parties concerned (including promises made by the sex workers themselves), communication issues....oookay but surely these problems come with the territory and the seasoned hands here are already aware of these? As for the reason, as far as I can tell there wasn't one. It went from happy smiles to something else in a couple of minutes. As for the bar and other boys not getting involved they didn't know the situation. It wasn't "bar business". He met the guy on Hornet. Everyone was only made aware of the situation after the fact. There was another farang in the bar who was equally disturbed by the situation. If so, then the title of this thread is rather misleading. The problem is a private matter between two consenting adults who freely participated in a transaction that is quite independent of Soi Twilight and the system there. I went to the Patpong area twice last year to watch shows at Dreamboys and Jupiter as part of a big night out with friends and we enjoyed ourselves. People don't turn from "happy smiles" into "something else" for no reason even if that reason is not apparent to us. Have any of you experienced behaviour like this before? These boys have no recourse when they get scammed like this, especially the non-Thai boys. Can't say that I have but I'm no Robin Hood wannabe 555 (joke). While I don't know whether the boys have any recourse or not (it's been suggested above that they have a way of shaming errant customers), I do know that prostitution is a risky business, more so in a country where it is illegal. I've gotten to know a few of these guys and they are no babes-in-the-woods. They know the score and are much more streetwise than I am. The non-Thai guys are taking a double risk: illegally working on a social pass in an illegal profession! Do I feel sorry for them? No more than the Burmese maid who works very hard in my building for 3,500B a month and wouldn't even take the 100B I leave for her each time she cleans my room. Speaking of "recourse", what recourse do customers have when they are "scammed" by these sex workers, whatever "scammed" means. I paid the bar fine and took him for dinner. We went home and watched a movie and had some sleep and I gave him 2500 which he was very thankful. As a note, he often stays at my place, not as a money boy, just a friend. No money involved. Uhhh, oookaay, but what is the point of this little "note"? Your "note" is not that noteworthy to me. If I see this guy on Twilight again, I will call him out, loudly and publicly. Quite frankly he deserves a good beating but I am not the type to resort to violence. Quite frankly, if I were to see someone shouting or calling anyone out in public anywhere, I would assume he's either mad or a youtube star wannabe. Perhaps channel your outrage by doing something more constructive like writing messages on social media (through your Thai friends) supporting the legalisation of prostitution which would give people like your friend and their customers more rights and a bigger voice in the long run. An internet hero on the other hand is only remembered for...oops, sorry, what was this thread about again? sglad, ChristianPFC and Jhoony 3
farangyai Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I would stay out of it unless personally knowing the facts or personally involved. The Thai have their own ways of taking care of such matters and are quite effective at it. Some underestimate how desperate some workers may be and the violence that can so easily follow from them directly or their friends. I was once in a Bangkok club we all know when one of the boys abruptly and perfectly punched a customer in the face. bloodying him quite well. The story was that the customer had not paid the boy the week before for services rendered and had done so in a way the boy lost face. The customer had his face rearranged for it. ChristianPFC and vinapu 2
Jasper Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I feel a need to post about a situation I was a bystander to last night. Thanks for sharing your experience. Don't be discouraged by some posters who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. kokopelli 1
numazu Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Oh god, I guess the board is going through one of its troll cycles again. It was interesting to hear about this while it was happening actually. samebb was Lining me while the whole unfortunate set of events was happening. I'm glad that ultimately it was a happy ending (so to speak). I wonder if it was the last night of this guy's vacation, and he ran out of money and didn't mind burning bridges everywhere. No doubt Twilight now knows his name and face and won't be welcomed back. vinapu and kokopelli 2
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 This business is prone to lies and deceptions. Having been on the receiving end of lies, deceptions, scams and thefts many times, I can't share your outrage before hearing the other side. I observed only one case of misbehavior: and there is a German living in my street, whom I have known since 2009, who is not popular (read: banned on gay bars and even in 7-Eleven!). The story of the Hmong girls who were falsely accused of stealing a watch: You would be the first person I know of, who has money boys staying just as friends. Neither do the customers. (Speaking of experience, when I was new, I got scammed several times, realized only long after.) Having met you I don't want to insult you but I have 3 boys who WORK on Twilight I am good friend with. My suggestion to you is stop treating them like commodities and start treating them like human beings. Might help you. Sure money talks wonders, not that you ever spend any.... Sitting here right now with the same boy from the original post.. in my apartment... guess what? No money. Re-evaluate yourself. These boys are not food. They are people. Treat them as such and you may get the same respect in return.
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 I would stay out of it unless personally knowing the facts or personally involved. The Thai have their own ways of taking care of such matters and are quite effective at it. Some underestimate how desperate some workers may be and the violence that can so easily follow from them directly or their friends. I was once in a Bangkok club we all know when one of the boys abruptly and perfectly punched a customer in the face. bloodying him quite well. The story was that the customer had not paid the boy the week before for services rendered and had done so in a way the boy lost face. The customer had his face rearranged for it. This boy isn't Thai as originally stated. He and 1 friend are new to Bangkok from another country.
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Oh god, I guess the board is going through one of its troll cycles again. It was interesting to hear about this while it was happening actually. samebb was Lining me while the whole unfortunate set of events was happening. I'm glad that ultimately it was a happy ending (so to speak). I wonder if it was the last night of this guy's vacation, and he ran out of money and didn't mind burning bridges everywhere. No doubt Twilight now knows his name and face and won't be welcomed back. I love you numazu. That's for understanding the plight of my friend. I love you buddy. See you soon back here in Bangkok!
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Thanks for sharing your experience. Don't be discouraged by some posters who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Thanks Jasper. I won't be put off from posting by ill informed neanderthals, or bitter old queens. wait.... same same ?
emailbroken Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Samebb I have to say that it is great to read posts like yours from time to time. You're clearly no fool, however neither do you see these guys as just a commodity. faranglaw 1
Guest samebb Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Tonight, I went back to my local (when I finish work I now go to this bar instead of Hot Male 2)..Had a long conversation with the owner. Amazing guy! He speaks Thai, English and Chinese fluently. He is now learning Japanese. A real go getter who I can respect. We spoke about the last nights incident. Let's just say the boys as the staff talk, across bars. This idiot has a very clear face photo on his hornet profile. OOPS.I just hope I am around when he gets a glass in the face. Justice is hard to come by these days. I will also assume one of the trolls in this tread could well be the cunt that did this. Again. I invite you to a drink on Twilight. Message me. I know your face. Will be interesting to hear you side of the story. You know? For entertainment... I was hoping for a little more support from you guys when a person like this hurts us all. I guess I will have to use other means to identify him.
Popular Post sglad Posted April 27, 2017 Popular Post Posted April 27, 2017 This idiot has a very clear face photo on his hornet profile. OOPS. I just hope I am around when he gets a glass in the face. Justice is hard to come by these days. Be careful what you wish for. Violence can easily get out hand and you might find yourself in the firing range. Best to stay away from such situations and if you care for your friend as much as you say you do, you'd advise him to do the same, especially as you say he is a foreigner and therefore makes an easy scapegoat. "Glassing" someone in the face is not justice; it's spiteful revenge that would only bring harm to everyone concerned. Justice would be for your friend's customer to pay the money he allegedly owed your friend and some extra for the stress and anguish he allegedly made your friend suffer. The customer's punishment would be the blacklisting and ostracisation that you say he is already facing. I will also assume one of the trolls in this tread could well be the cunt that did this. Again. I invite you to a drink on Twilight. Message me. I know your face. Will be interesting to hear you side of the story. You know? For entertainment... I was hoping for a little more support from you guys when a person like this hurts us all. I guess I will have to use other means to identify him. These are unnecessary fighting words which I will assume you made in a fit of anger and do not mean. Hopefully you will reconsider them after a good night's sleep. ChristianPFC, Jhoony, a447a and 3 others 6
numazu Posted April 28, 2017 Posted April 28, 2017 I love you numazu. That's for understanding the plight of my friend. I love you buddy. See you soon back here in Bangkok! Love you too man. I know that your heart is in the right place and was there to save the day for the poor boy. I would definitely want you on my side if anyone ever wronged me. And more than that, your kindness has been repaid over and over this past day (judging from my Line messages from you). I'm so happy for you! Also, trolls are gonna troll. Don't give in. You are actually living your life well. Life can't get any better than that! It must be really lonely behind their keyboards. Finally: keep that seat warm for me. I can't believe I'll be back in less than three weeks. Can't wait man.