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Guest catawampuscat

a little nite romance........

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Guest catawampuscat

I enjoy being a butterfly and going from one to another but after a while, I look for a little

romance.. Usually, the second "off" or time, is the killer as what was something special often

becomes something ordinary ..


I like to "romance" a boy by seeing him several times for a drink and a chat before "offing"

This creates a feeling of anticipation for me which I enjoy and adds spice..Also, I have found

the boy is much more comfortable as he is at least familiar with you, and is more natural..

I like to take my time and hate being rushed or hurried along.. These little romances are not

meant to be life long committments but just something special, something extra..


It is okay for me to have several going at once, as they can fall apart very easily and there is

always someone new to catch one's eye and heartstrings..

I have one boy in the army , whom I will be thrilled to see again when he gets some leave time and

another who is back in his village working.. I have a new boy (24 y.o.) who is special , but aren't they all and who surpassed my expectations on our first "date".. Of course, this is a fantasy that I

enjoy and know the foundation is money but sometimes one can find that something extra, I 'll

call romance..

Life in paradise is never dull but it can get boring with endless butterflying and I need a little nite romance to spice up my life.. so, is it the life of a butterfly, also called helicopter, for you or a

mixed bag??

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Life in paradise is never dull but it can get boring with endless butterflying and I need a little nite romance to spice up my life.. so, is it the life of a butterfly, also called helicopter, for you or a

mixed bag??

For me, I like the security of a relationship or at least the impression of one. I have little belief that money is not the main factor but I do like to be friendly with several guys. I have 5 regulars that I have on permanent off. They don't work and they are well taken care of. I do this not because I am a horn dog or because I am in love with them. I do this because I much prefer to have some regulars that I spend time with and that I can get on a more personal level with. I also prefer to have a guy that is not often with other farangs.


I much prefer the life of a butterfly and I like trying new things. Two nights ago, I met a great guy from BoyzBoyzBoyz that I adored and I spent some time with him. Last night, I met a guy from Krazy Dragon and spent some quality time with him. I have never been one to have only one guy. For me, this does not work. Everyone has different things that work for them. I know many farangs that are looking for that one special guy. I guess deep down, I am too. But, I am looking for a few good men and not just one. :)


Life in Thailand is paradise and it is this because of the limitless possibilities.


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Guest catawampuscat

These romances can get messy and the latest one looks like it is heading in that direction..

The boy is 24y.o. but new to the game and I have been enjoying his enthusiam and joy in carnal matters but after the third long time, this lite romance seems to be in its last act..

The boy cannot communicate in English at all and my command of Thai is quite limited and best

when asking name, age, where from, how long you work here and so forth.. He rattles off in

Thai and he has to repeat and speak very slowly and still I miss a lot, so the language problem is

getting wearisome.. He keeps saying that farangs are liars with a smile of course.. This is when he asks me about other boys I have been with between offs with him.. This makes me nervous because

I am not looking for a bf (been there, done that) and I think he is looking for a marriage..

He is amazing in the sack but so are many others and when one starts to feel something is going awry

or not what you want, I have found it best to listen to your inner voice and let go or else things

just get messier..

The speed of intimacy is startling with many of the boys and often on the first off they are ready

to be your bf and live with you..Crazy for them and crazy for the farang.. I always slow them down but it doesn't really work and normally one has to move on when it gets messy.. There are so many boys and so little time or so the T-shirts tell us...

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Guest catawampuscat

Things change very day in Pattaya.. I looked back at this thread and smiled as this little romance

is back on and very hot.. We managed to communicate and the break of a week or so seemed to

help..I told him the two things I didn't like and he made the changes I wanted and I am very happy ..

He understands that I am a butterfly and if he can't accept that, then we both move on..


An ex has reappeared and I told the ex that things had changed and he told me it was ok if I had a new bf as he was interested in the money.. Unbelieveably honest but a bit shocking to me.. This was a couple of year relationship and I know now that it would be a mistake to start up again and will have to resist the temptation.. It is much easier to do when one has another bf that really pleases him.. Rarely a dull moment in Pattaya unless your best friend is a bottle of gin.........

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