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Guest lurkerspeaks

A delayed Thank You

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Several months ago, I started a post here asking some questions about a first time visit to Bangkok. Many people responded back with some great suggestions/ideas, etc. 


I wanted to apologize publicly for never thanking everyone for their input. Unfortunately some issues (work and health related) have come up that will probably prevent me from making the trip this year, but hopefully 2017 will be the year I get to head to that part of the world. 


Thanks again for everyone here who offered advice. I will most definitely be back again when I can get all the pieces of the vacation puzzle to align. 


thank you and good luck with your vacation puzzles.


In meantime follow the forum as there's  constant stream of useful information flowing here.

Don't be shy to ask since things are changing all the time. 


From original responses you got Om Yim changed name and now is hostel , no reports if  it's still gay friendly so you may cross it out


No need to apologize, hoping things are sorted soon so that you can go and have a great time

Guest whall

Don't forget that when you make the trip the best way to say thanks is to post the things you learn :)

Very true

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