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Guest hactorbissen

What are the best places for twinks in Bangkok and Pattaya ?

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Guest hactorbissen

Dear All,

I am a newbie here.

Could you please give me dome advice for the best places to meet twinks in Bangkok and Pattaya gogo bars/beer bars/massage-spas/other places ?

I will establish there soon and can send reports :-)

Thanks for you help !

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Not really my type at all, but would suggest usualy some in most bars (excluding Tawan and probably Jupitor in Bangkok!)  but your best bet is perhaps in Bangkok Classic Boys & Fresh Boys on Soi Twighlight and in Pattaya certainly some in all the Go Go bars, Toy Boys always a good mixture of boys, and I think for more twinks perhaps try Vassa Bar, any of them on Pattayaland Soi one, Nice Boys and Eros in Sunee (but check ID for age)  In addition the beer bars in any of the three gay areas and for that you might also enjoy a wander arround the Jomtian complex where most of the hosts in the bars are more the twink type.

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I agree with the advice offered by Paulfort.

Bangkok -Classic boys is your best bet.   In addition to previous advice, Screwboys might be a good third choice.


Pattaya - The best bar for twinks tends to change with time.   Kawai Boys was perhaps the best 6 months ago.   In addition to previous suggestions, consider Power Boys.   



When your time is limited, be prepared to have a quick look at the stage as you walk in & decide to either sit down & buy a drink, or walk straight back out within a few seconds.


Of course, you exit swiftly:

Either:  The bar has a good offer, so if you want to stay there to admire it, buy a drink.

Or: The bar has an unsatisfactory offer, so you do not want to admire it.  Exit quickly.


Loitering around for a few minutes trying to enjoy the gogo bar without buying a drink would be very bad form. 

It's very rare for the core western & Asian customer set to do that, but it more of a problem with certain other nationalities.

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Dear All,

I am a newbie here.

Could you please give me dome advice for the best places to meet twinks in Bangkok and Pattaya gogo bars/beer bars/massage-spas/other places ?

I will establish there soon and can send reports :-)

Thanks for you help !

They are all over the place, wherever you turn , twink galore including most of massage places. 


In BKK Tawan and Jupiter may be exceptions but all bars in Soi Twilight will be your delight.


In Pattaya all bars would do including BoyzBoyzBoyz and ABomb previously better known for more muscly boys.


Exploring all places will give you proper sense of what paradise is.

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I can confirm z909's suggestion that Kawii Boys would be a good place to look for cute twinks there were several delightful guys when I was in Pattaya for the whole of May.


I had a nice experience in Vassa Club too. Although not as many twinks as Kawaii Boys there are some interesting guys including a skinny little cutie who I thought had a couple of pairs of socks stuffed inside his briefs until I sat down with him and bought him a drink and he revealed one of the biggest dicks I've seen in Pattaya. Hehe a fun night.

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Guest whall

It is awful being the only customer. Some guys might like it, not me. All the boys had eyes on me. I felt uncomfortable. I hope next time I go, there are more people.

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It is awful being the only customer. Some guys might like it, not me. All the boys had eyes on me. I felt uncomfortable.

I also dislike being the only customer.

I visit in high season & still end up being the only customer at times, so if you are visiting in low season, I think you will have to learn to live with it. 


I also try quite hard to adapt, although there are several variations on being the only customer:


1  A well stocked bar, with at least 8 boys on the stage, of which more than 1 interests me. There is the "pressure" as they are all trying to make eye contact to get your custom.


2 A bar with a handful of boys who often are sat down playing with their phones and only walk on stage after a customer arrives. Then there can be the slow realisation that none of them float my boat & a gradual loss of interest from both parties. 


Although that loss of interest can be much faster. In one case I entered the Nature Boy bar (which did have one other customer).  I saw a cute lad & ordered a drink. I then figured the cute lad was with the other customer.  The remaining 3 sat down, realising I liked the other one. 

So there I was in a gogo bar, with gogo dancers who were not going to perform. 

Gogo boys on stage are the sole justification for high drink prices, so as my drink had not arrived, I made a very swift exit, just hearing a yelp from the bar in the corner.  

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The real rrun -off is when I approach an entrance with the intention of going in and the doorman rushes ahead, clapping his hands. I know then that the guys are sitting around playing with their phones and have to be woken-up to put on a show for me.

My heart sinks. I wish I could walk out like some do in this situation but I'm the victim of  my up-bringing; my mother would have declared such behaviour "rude."

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Almost every time I tried to go inside Power Boys and Nice Boys in Sunee in May it was the same. The doorman opened the door to reveal no customers and boys sat on the stage looking at their phones. I just walk away I feel too embarrassed to go inside as the only customer!

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Guest whall

Good to know I'm not the only one. That's why I think I might go in the high season. Do those places get crowded during high season?

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Too lazy to read the other responses, but if it hasn't been mentioned yet, "Classic Boys" is the gold standard in Bangkok for thinks. It's been their reputation for at least 10 years. Never heard of any specific establishment in Pattaya featuring "twinks," but in my personal experience, Sunee Plaza has tended to feature more thinks than Boystown.


Full disclosure: I haven't been involved in the bar scene to any significant degree for at least the last four years. I can imagine why newcomers would be attracted to it, and I would probably still recommend for newcomers to start there. But increasingly, I am recommending that they evolve from there as quickly as possible. Internet-based apps like GayRomeo, Grindr, and Jack'd are simply a much better option. No off fees, no pushy mamasans, and no pressure to buy overpriced, watered down drinks. As a newcomer, your top priority should be refining your communication skills (e.g. understanding what "Thinglish" is all about) and being able to more effectively communicate your intentions and desires. Always be willing to spend more money as a newcomer than you would as a regular; it will help ensure a fun, drama-free time while simultaneously being a big learning experience. My last piece of advice is to remember the cliche adage: "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Sayings become cliche for a reason, after all.

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Classic Boys as the gold standard for twinks ?   Well, if we measure by consistently having twinks available every year for about 10 years, yes, they are at the top of the pack.   There have been times when other bars were better (in Pattaya), but not consistently over a long period of time.  My cutest ever off was from Classic.

Remember it costs a lot more in Bangkok.  Two drinks and an off fee come to over 1100 baht, so perhaps 500 more and the tip paid out is 500 more. 

After spending £800 on an air fare, I just happily budget for a few days of extra expense, knowing that I'm not going to spend the whole month in Bangkok.


The real rrun -off is when I approach an entrance with the intention of going in and the doorman rushes ahead, clapping his hands. I know then that the guys are sitting around playing with their phones and have to be woken-up to put on a show for me.

My heart sinks. I wish I could walk out like some do in this situation but I'm the victim of  my up-bringing; my mother would have declared such behaviour "rude."

Whilst I try to be polite, there are circumstances when I adjust my behaviour to the prevailing circumstances.  If a bar has to chase it's boys onto stage as I enter, that's not an immediate problem, but if they are not the type of boy I like, I have no problem in leaving.

Also, in the Nature Boys case, where I was about to receive a gogo bar priced drink without them fulfilling their half of the deal by offering boys on stage, dashing through the door before the beer arrived is my way of dodging their scam.  


One area where I am extremely rude is if traders start harassing me as I walk down the street. They are being rude to me, so I reciprocate. When someone extends their hand "saying hello my friend", that is the start of an unwelcome sales pitch, typically by tailors. I make no eye contact & walk straight through the outstretched hand. If I wanted their damn product, I would walk into their shop, so they are being rude to me and I'm happy to reciprocate.  If 100% of people did the same, they would retreat into their shop and the world would be a better place.


Of course, similar behaviour goes on in Soi Twilight, however the difference is the street is for gogo bars, so everyone who walks down there should be a candidate customer.   So I'm OK with it there.   They might even have the advantage of ensuring the gawping tourists do not loiter.


Getting back onto topic, Classic Boys usually has good twinks.  However, the mamasans are pests, so be prepared to shoo them away so they do not spoil the experience.

They will chase tips for themselves.  The last time I tipped one there 100 baht, he phoned my boy within less than 1 hour of the off asking him to go back to the bar. So I've not tipped one since, as the money is reserved for the boys.

Finally, the Classic Boys format typically has half the boys on the stage, so unless one of the first batch is a stunner, wait for the rotation to see the full set. 

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Guest ryanasia

Classic boys these days has the same half dozen twinks from Viet Nam that are white as ghosts. They look like twin brothers. They are cute enough but they have all the associated problems with guys from VN that have been discussed at length on this forum.

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Guest pattaya69

waht  can  i say   about twink  in pattaya...is my  passion....so




kawaii  is number 1 now

cupid idol



jut  go  there and look  in bar same eden bar  or power boy  gogo

only be carefull  and check  id card

jomtien  complex 

almost all the bar has  some twink   and some femboy

cheers  p69

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Classic boys these days has the same half dozen twinks from Viet Nam that are white as ghosts. They look like twin brothers. They are cute enough but they have all the associated problems with guys from VN that have been discussed at length on this forum.

Like not wanting to go off?

Well after I've sent the mamas away several times & put 2 expensive drinks on the tab, I'm usually ready to depart with my new friend. So far it's never been a problem.

So do we now need to figure out which guys do offs?

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What are the bois from VN problems again?

A common problem is being there just to look pretty & lure customers in to buy drinks, but not wanting go go off with them. 

I & several others have found that in the beer bar on the RH side of Soi Twilight.   Also, some reports of similar behaviour in Fresh Boys (?).


Their passport also needs careful checking, since they are not all of the expected age. [For any non-Thais, at least they usually have a passport, which comes with a proper clear photo, so more reliable than an ID card I think].


I'm not sure if anyone else can report additional problems ?


After multiple visits to Thailand & other countries in the region, I've been with a long list of people from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & Burma, but I think it's just the one from Vietnam & that was in Singapore (at Singapore prices).  


I have seen others report more success. I don't know what they do differently.  Either more charm, better gaydar, willingness to tip way beyond the going rate or settling for being the bottom.  

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