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Pattaya trip report

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Still recovering from my session with my guy from Copa I wandered over to Sunee, feeling the need to visit Good boys. I sat down in All of Me opposite and had a drink with Ton, waiting for my regular at Good boys to turn up. There were about 8 guys sitting outside, most engrossed in their phones. My favourite didn't turn up so I turned my attention to the bar's resident donkey-dick. He's a real handful - I can chuck-wow him with both hands and there's still cock left over! I tried in vain to make eye contact with him but again, he was more interested in his phone.


So I wandered over to Eros. By now it was 10pm and the place was jumping, as opposed to the previous night when it was deserted. My regular came and sat down with me and we were soon joined by his friend who comes from the same village in Isaan. He's a really cute guy but a little too chubby for me. He told me he hasn't had a customer in a while and so had to take matters into his own hands every day. He then told me he he could jack off 3 times a day but didn't produce much cum. When I asked why, he told me because he only had one ball! WTF?? He lifted up his "skirt" and sure enough, he did only have one. He told me that he was born that way and that in Thailand it is considered good luck. I immediately wondered what is considered to be bad luck.


I turned my attention back to my guy, who placed my hand on his cock. A few deft strokes and he was ready for action. I was planning to off him but he was really horny and wanted a chuck-wow.


Sure. No problem.


I got up to get a cushion for him to hide behind but he told me he didn't need one. He put his head on my shoulder, closed his eyes and off we went. Last time, back in January, I remember he took an inordinate amount of time to cum and tonight was no exception. It was exhausting so we actually had to take turns. Suddenly his grip tightened around my waist as he threw his head back. The look of contentment on his face was priceless.


I looked up and noticed that the bar was now empty - not a customer in sight, just the guys lying about on the sofas furiously playing with themselves. Suddenly, my guy got up, grabbed a cushion, placed it on my knees and put his hand up my shorts. The rest, they say, is history. There's a first time for everything.


By now it was midnight and some of the guys were leaving so I bid my guy a fond farewell and left. I was on my way to Goodboys when Boss from All of Me pounced.


"Have one drink with me?"


Sure. No problem.


One drink turned into two as we sat and chatted. This guy is gorgeous and has a personality to match. I've known his for many years as he used to work at Eros. I wondered why on earth I'd never offed him in all that time. He explained that it was because I had a regular -Jack - who I offed every night. Jack was his friend so he left me alone, even though Jack said he didn't mind if I offed him. This is not an unusual situation, I find. Good friends who work in the same bar often have no problem sharing farang; that way, everyone is a winner. Also, Boss was never one to flaunt his goods in the bar - he wasn't one to stand in front of a customer and shove his cock in your face. So I never got to see it. That's why I was so pleasantly surprised when I finally did get to see him....err...."up close" back in January.


He's well and truly on my to-do list.

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Eros seems to go through phases - I guess it just depends on what guys are available to work. There are still a couple of fem guys but by and large they are masculine types. Many, of course, are straight.


But tonight could be a different story. Who knows?

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Guest Stewart

Nice reports thanks. Certainly was a trip down memory lane for me, especially the fun to be had at Eros. Ever since I "sort of" committed myself to a lovely burmese boy all avenues leading to Boyz Town and Sunee Plaza have been closed off to me. All that left is a bit of window shopping at a couple of bars at the bottom end of Jomtein Complex. As they say "it aint' how it used to be" so I might not be missing too much.

I am planning to come down to Pattaya around the 18th and might have a chance to get away from the shackles of almost wedded bliss on the pretext of watching the footie in the sports bars up on Soi 7. Last time I went he insisted he came as well and he was in a permanent state of shock at my rage and colourful language aimed at our useless players and referee clearly on the payroll of the other team.

These Tai Yai boys are at the top end of the sensitivity scale when it comes to being with someone with such apparent aggression to a television screen. He was almost in tears and was convinced it was all because he had done something wrong at some stage that caused me to have such anger. He just would not have it any other way. Anyone that supports Southampton Football Club would understand in a jiffy.

Anyway with a bit of luck and a gift from the gold shop he might let me off the leash for a few hours so I can hot foot it to Sunee instead. I prefer the the couch just around the corner from the entrance. Just a little bit more discreet !!


Another ruse that seems to work well is offer to buy them a tattoo. The last one he had took 4 hours !! perfect for a few beers and a quick "off" from one of the local boy bars. Thailand don't you just love it.

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Hi a447a, I had a chuck wow session with the guy at Good Boys with the big afro hair on my last trip in November 2015 (I can't remember his name) he didn't speak much English, he had a nice thick hard cock six to seven inches. I wanked him whilst he watched straight porn on his phone he didn't come and seemed to lose interest after maybe fifteen minutes. I slipped him a 500 baht not and then got a big surprise he walked over to the bar and came back and gave me 200 baht change saying to me "chuck wow saam loy baht." Bar bill was 300 baht total for my coke and Boys Singha beer.

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Guest Stewart

I love this idea of Farang v Farage hitting on one another in a boy bar. I can just see the look of the assembled boys on stage looking at one another and saying "WTF" Can this be a business opportunity maybe?  Get rid of all those skinny and muscle boys or better still just have them there as a back drop for help with the inspiration and to pass the tissues around. You can't beat the old fashioned gay bar ! 

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Thx for your report. That's interesting. You have so many Chuck-wow cum fun in the go-go bar, just curious is this kind of fun in open area (though inside the bar but still people beside) quite common in Pattaya? I haven't heard much the same thing in bkk.

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ay70..., you can enjoy yourself at Eros and Goodboys. They are the only ones I can think of in Pattaya. Other customers are usually present but they are quite busy themselves.


I got to All of Me around 9:30. As usual there were lots of guys sitting outside Goodboys. Ton, the straight one, is heaps of fun and a great conversationalist with reasonable English skills. And he loves a drink. He always alerts me whenever he gets a hard-on, which happens quite often during the course of the evening, and loves to show me the outline under his jeans. But, of course, apart from the odd squeeze and a bit of furtive rubbing, there's no funny business as we are sitting out in the open.


My Goodboys guy smiled at me so I wandered over. Normally, he jumps straight up and off we go behind the screens but this time he just sat there. He asked me if I could wait 10 minutes. Uh oh, he'd just had a customer.


I went back and sat down and just then a guy came into the bar and chatted with Ton. Hot news! The police were raiding Eros! I walked over to have a look and, sure enough, there was a police car in front of the bar. As I approached I spotted the fem guy with the large glasses - the one who was the doorman at Sunnyboys - sitting outside Queens Bar, where he now works. He told me that there wasn't a raid; the police had simply parked outside Eros.


Back I went to All of Me and news had already reached Ton of what was actually happening. Apparently, a boy had stolen money from a farang's safe and the police were out looking for the culprit. News certainly travels fast! And that explained Chet's reluctance and why all of the guys had come out into the soi.


Before too long the fun began. He assured me I was his first customer so I was expecting big things. But that was not to be. In fact, I didn't even notice he'd finished until he let out a little grunt of pleasure. I looked down at his stomach. Nothing. Not a drop. Just a damp feeling on my hand.


'Sorry. But I do every night," he said sheepishly.


I decided I'd head off to Eros but on the way I ran into a guy I remembered from my last trip.


"You remember me? I fuck you before."


I sure did! And what a sterling effort he'd made.


This time was no different. After a hectic bout of 69, which I think he enjoyed even more than me (!) he slipped on a condom. But it was broken. I reached for another one, but the same thing. WTF? They were Durex and I'd only just bought them. The third one was ok but I didn't trust it. Maybe they were old stock. So I opened another packet but these were a smaller size. Never mind; we made do.


In he went. Slowly, slowly at first and then he suddenly moved into top gear. It was really funny, as he was watching himself perform in the mirror and at times would flex his muscles and assume various poses like the ones you see in porn movies.


After what seemed an inordinate amount of time he pulled out and lay beside me waiting, or so I thought, for the chuck-wow. Wrong! He was just resting before the next round.


On with condom number two.


"I want you like this" he said, indicating doggy style.


Sure. No problem.


He was pounding away when suddenly....thwack!


Ouch! He'd just slapped my butt really hard. This guy obviously watches way too much porn. Then again.....thwack!


I told me I didn't really enjoy it and he apologised. Then he pulled out. Oh dear, have I upset him?


Silly old me. Of course not. He just wanted a short rest before the next round! He lay down beside me and asked me to sa-moke him. This was the prelude to another furious session of 69. With his gorgeous butt in my face I also took the opportunity to slip in a finger for a bit of a prostate massage.


He then reached for a condom. Thank God it was the last one, as I'd had enough by now. He also knew that this would be the last fuck of the session and so was determined to enjoy himself. He pounded me like a pornstar - really hard and in every conceivable position. I wanted to give up but he was having such a great time I decided to just take it.


He eventually pulled out, knelt next to me and furiously jacked off. I wanted part of the action but he was going at it so hard I didn't have the heart to intervene. A loud grunt was followed by a large stream of cum which flew last me and landed, I later discovered, on the sheets on the far side of the bed. Two more spurts also missed me and flew off into the never-never. He then just knelt there pumping load after load onto my stomach. Jesus! When did this guy last cum? This was fucking incredible.


I couldn't believe my luck; this would have to be one of the best cumshots I can remember. He collapsed, totally spent, on top of me and was squishing around in his own cum. It was quite a messy affair, but very erotic. So erotic, in fact, that I finished much quicker than usual.


We showered and I thought he'd be leaving but no, he lay back down on the bed on his stomach and spread his legs, inviting me to partake in a little butt play.


We eventually walked back to Sunee and he went home, but not before exchanging phone numbers and Line.


I wandered down to All of Me but they'd closed so I went over to Queens Bar to chat with the guy from Sunnyboys. As I approached a stunning, very masculine guy rushed over and invited me in. OMG! He looked like a fucking model from a porn magazine. Just gorgeous.


We sat down and exchanged the usual information. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. When he told me he was from Isaan, I almost came in my pants.


He pulled out his phone to show me some photos. My heart sank when he showed me pictures of his wife and baby.


But wait! This is Thailand. That doesn't mean anything.


He then showed me shirtless photos of himself at the gym and that's when I saw his beautiful body. I hadn't noticed before, as I couldn't take my eyes off his face.


He told me he worked at Rainbow Bar but it was closed at the moment. During the day he works as a masseur at the gay beach and was available for massage in my room. I asked him what he does in bed. Not much, only chuck-wow, he said. He's obviously new to the game as he didn't know how much to charge for the "massage."


We exchanged phone numbers and I left, thinking I may just take him up on his offer of a hotel visit.


If you're in town, walk by Queens after 10 pm and you'll get to see him. He works most nights and will be there until Rainbow reopens on the 20th.

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