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Need advice - what to do.

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I came to Guesthouse in Pattaya.

I was here twice  in 2009 & 2013.

At my time before here was woman

who clean rooms for guests - housekeeping job.

At present time woman does not work  here anymore.

Housekeeping job have 25 y/o boy who is boyfriend

of the owner of the property.

Owner of Guesthouse support boy (men) covering  his cost

of education. Guy is going to school to have some education.

So far I did not see the guy ( room cleaner) - I just move in today and

I'm uncomfortable in the room because room is not the same like at

my other times  here before.

The owner is American guy 75 y/o and he is looking for the guy who he may trust

and to have a boyfriend. He had bad time with his first boyfriend and this new

housekeeping   guy is his second.

I paid for my stay ahead and it is hard for me to tell the true - how it is to the owner.

I just do not understand how Thai men who receiving help to be somebody pay back

for the help doing bad work.  I clean the room little - but this is not how room should be.

More cleaning is needed and I do not know how to tell to the owner.

I just do not understand the American guy, he come to the room with me and - and

he does not see what I see? What I should do?

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Politely ask the owner to get the cleaning done properly.    If necessary, ask him to come to the room so you can demonstrate the issues.


That will probably be sufficient.


If not, ask him again. 

Then the third time, ask for a refund so you can move out.   If he doesn't like that, remind him we're in the 21st century and Trip Advisor exists.

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