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How To Skin A Banana

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For those of you who still have the skin on their banana and may want to peel it a  bit, there is a novel cosmetic circumcision procedure. Rather than the usual snip and clip the tip of the banana the surgeon will save the foreskin for more natural appearance. First of all he will inject the banana with an agent that will make it firm and hard and then measure (with your input) just how much you want to remove of the skin. So for example, 2 cm, after which he will then excise a 2 cm band of skin around the circumference of the banana but in the middle not at the tip , pull the cut ends together and stitch them , sort of a Frankenweenie!   As a result your sex partner will have something extra to nibble on and you will enjoy the sensation. A win win situation.  :p


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Well, yes there is but will have to do some google search to find procedure.




My thought is to take the excised band of skin from the donor, as described above, and reuse it by grafting it onto a peeled banana ,in a reverse procedure, and bring it back to its former glory as mother-nature intended.

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Guest Promsak

My thought is to take the excised band of skin from the donor, as described above, and reuse it by grafting it onto a peeled banana ,in a reverse procedure, and bring it back to its former glory as mother-nature intended.


Oh, I really wish I hadn't asked.

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Guest Hutchison

Why would anybody blessed with keeping their foreskin want to mess about with it?

Some guys would give their eyeteeth (so to speak), to have retained their foreskin.

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Guest ronnie4you

I am eating a banana as I read this. Since I grew up with bananas that were peeled, it was an oddity to me to discover unpeeled ones, and it took me a long time to appreciate them. I love the way they play peek-a-boo.


BTW, it's a real banana in my mouth now.

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