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Found 1 result

  1. Trip Reports can be a divisive topic in this forum, while they are the most popular sorts of threads, there can be controversies about the subject matter and level of details. Many people like to see pics of the guys, and to get all the full account of encounters, while some others dislike having the details of the sex lives of others laid open for all to see. Others like them but worry about "outsiders" seeing details the shouldn't or have legitimate concerns that some working guys might not appreciate their pictures being up where all and sundry, such as maybe their workmates from the bar, can see. In the (much larger) straight forums focused on Pattaya and the nightlife, one common solution to this problem is to have an "Advanced member" section, This is a section where only trusted members, those who have demonstrated there bona fides in some way, can post. In one well known forum, you have to have made 50 good-quality posts before you can get admittance to the section. In this section, some more detail is posted of peoples adventures in the bars and massage parlours. there is an understanding all the salacious details of what went on in the bedroom may be posted, plenty of uncensored photos, etc. The main advantage being, as it is an a "fenced off" section of the forum, prying eyes can not see it, you cannot just join up and be reading five minutes later, you have to prove yourself first before you can view that area. Also, it make sit easy for all those who are embarrassed to read the gory details to avoid them So what are the disadvantages? One obvious one is that this forum (like all the Thailand gay forums) has quite a small audience. If you whittle the readership down to all who have made 50 posts (or more realistically, 25 or 20) you will get a fairly small number. And if they are only posting trip reports in that forum, you might only get one thread a week or less. So you would have the ""tumbleweed" problem - no one looks at the forum because there are few threads, few people looking at it mean few people think of posting, etc. But there are ways to counter this of course, such as making that "Advanced forum" the first in the forum list for everybody, even if they cannot see it to make sure they are aware of it, encouraging people to post "G-rated" trip reports in the main forum at the same time as the post more naughty versions of same in the "Advanced forum", so people realise what they are missing, etc. Or perhaps (if it would be possible), letting ordinary member see the postings in the Advanced forum, but not the pictures unless they were Advanced members? So, what do people think?
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