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  1. I love computers and gadgets and I love trying new things. I download so much shit that I often wonder if I am nuts as most of it is just trash. I have started to wait for more reviews to come in for programs that I want before I buy them. This year I bought over 80 new programs for the computer. I use a Mac. But, I found some real gems this year and I wanted to share a few with you. Today, I'll tell you about the one I just love to death! IA Writer IA Writer Crowned by Apple as one of the Mac Apps of the Year 2011, iA Writer is the number one focused writing app in the App Store. It lets you keep your hands on the keyboard and your mind in the text. With over 400,000 copies sold, Writer has helped students, journalists, and bestselling authors to find more pleasure in working with text. For me, I copy and paste full articles and text from websites over to MS Word or Pages. Often the formatting is horrible and it takes me hours to edit some articles. Today, I was copying some articles I had written in 2001 but I was copying from a website. That leaves all the ugly formatting in the document and I have to go in and edit. IA Writer eliminates this step and it just puts everything in basic with no formatting and no odd characters or spacing issues. It lets you work on your writing without all the interfaces that are default in so many programs. I love the way it works on my Mac as well. I also love that it syncs with dropbox and it flows perfectly with my ICloud. Mashable listed it as one of 8 apps every writer should know and said: iA Writer for iOS delivers a clean interface with zero distractions. Not only does the app instantly enter full-screen mode, but it also fades surrounding text so you can type without the temptation to edit. The app also supports formatting and basic editing, and allows you to sync all of your docs with Dropbox. Has anyone else used this? Do you like this? Tomorrow, I'll post my favorite photography program for 2012.
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