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  1. It's Friday, and I'm in the mood for a rant. Tired of cleaning up sawdust from summer construction. Am I the only board member who witnessed the latest 18-wheeler pile-up on CNN yesterday? Chris Cuomo took on Kellyanne ConArtist last night, and I've never seen a more demented "Drag Race" bitch fight on television. Watching this repulsive display of two people posing as "intelligent" was like watching a never-ending loop of test-car crashes from GM while being water-boarded. First, let me say, I'm no fan of CNN. But that's mostly because I don't like Jeff Zucker, the man who runs the show there. IMO, Zucker has a lot in common with Trump, except Zucker is a Jewish TV maniac. There are certain CNN contributors that I do like, such as: David Gergen, David Axelrod, Van Jones, Kirsten Powers, Bakari Sellers, and Tara Setmayer (even though I don't always agree with her). I also enjoy watching the two big lawyer egos going at it: Alan Dershowitz and Jeffrey Toobin, but Alan's teeth are so piss-yellow, I picture a lifetime of him enjoying a piss-drinking fetish every time he smiles. Gross. Why do some people with so much money ignore their teeth? Hate bad teeth. I can tolerate Anderson Cooper as long as it's not the NY's Eve show he does with Andy Asshole. But I find it difficult to stomach Chris Cuomo. When someone constantly refers to other people as "my friend," I instantly dislike them. On the other hand, if you watched this sad display of modern American political discourse, you might understand why I'm willing throw some props at Cuomo. I don't think there's another anchor in television who could go toe-to-toe with Conway and come out fairly free of brow sweat. Unfortunately, they spent most of their time talking over each other, but that's the only way to debate with Kellyanne, who is a master Spin-Jujitsu Jedi. If you mention the names Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, Republicans vomit endlessly the word "polarizing." But these hypocrites who are addicted to power and money, can't seem to acknowledge there is no one more polarizing in politics than Kellyanne Conway. I'll take ten Clintons and Pelosis over Kellyanne any day. At least I know Clinton and Pelosi won't try to talk over you. I know we who care about public appearance are not supposed to make points about looks. In honor of Trump's dislike for political correctness, let me just say that I also think Conway is a sight for sore eyes. The woman has no taste and she's not pretty. She has the ugliest hair on TV, with a color that looks as fake as her false eyelashes and the fake news shit that spews from her mouth. Speaking of false eyelashes, only a cheap street hooker would think that a blonde woman should wear BLACK eyelashes. I know this woman is someone's mother. IMO, too bad for them. At least her husband is willing to openly question and criticize Trump. Perhaps there's hope.
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