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  1. TotallyOz


    I have not had much experience with guys from this part of the world. I have met a few in Pattaya that I thought were sexy and even had a few encounters with them that were quite enjoyable. I had a bad experience with a group of them at Hollywood as the group kept invading my space and were acting like dogs in heat when it came to the ladyboys in our group. As one of them kept hitting on one of the ladyboys who had a boyfriend in the group, the night almost ended in a brawl. This is not what I wanted and was able to maintain the peace. I just wonder why there are so many from that part of the world in Pattaya. I have nothing against them being here but I was under the impression that many move here and stay here. The community seems active which is a good thing. There is one section of town that is filled with hotels and restaurants that cater to them. My question is this, how do so many of them afford to come here at such a young age? So many I have met are much younger than the average farang. I know in Europe that many get 2 months off a year as opposed to the USA vacation of 2 or 3 weeks a year. Does anyone know how long someone from that part of the world gets for vacation each year? If they practice their religion, I know that alcohol is forbidden. Is this similar to Christianity where one can pick which vices one wants? Is sex with women who are not of their religion forbidden? Is sex with other guys forbidden? I apologize if these comments are stupid. It is really my first encounter with a group of guys from this part of the world and I want to try to understand them a bit better.
  2. In recent weeks it has been almost impossible to get or make calls with my One Two call sim card. I have often been cut off or had Network Failed errors. I have been reading on the net the troubles that the company has with the network. It finally got enough for me as I was unable to call my family back in France. So, I went to TutCom and got a DTAC sim. Not only does it work perfectly, the reception is much better than I ever had with the other company. I am now once again connected to the outside world via telephone and I am thrilled with my new DTAC card!
  3. I have always enjoyed the bars in Boyxztown. They have a wide variety of guys to choose from. Last night I started off at Funnyboyx and had a nice time. I saw one very cute guy I liked but wanted to check the other bars to see what was happening. BoyzBoyzBoyx had a nice selection but I was looking for the guy I met there 2 weeks ago and he was not there. Throb/Splash has a nice selection as well but I enjoyed my talk with the sexy but larger than life drag queen there and didn't really meet anyone. Next was A-bomb. The boys here seem a bit beefier and larger than the other bars. They had a fair amount of customers as well. I met one guy from there that I really liked and offed him. Next was Sawatdee and Gentleman's Club. Both of which I enjoyed and had a nice drink and found some guys I enjoyed in each. The winner for the night for the Mr. Superstar (I didn't take him as I already had a date) was a sexy guy at Gentleman's Club. I have to go back and see him later in the week. He was very sexy and adorable. I met a nice lad in Sawatdee who said, "I want to work GayThailand." I wasn't sure what he meant but after a drink and a bit of conversation he said he saw the site and wanted a profile on the site. I told him I would help him set one up. All in all, Boyztown was great fun. My date for the night was excellent and I had a very nice time with him. I have to get back to Boyztown later in the week (after I recover for Hollywood and a night of Karoke last night) and see if this new Superstar lives up to my expectations.
  4. After a nice night in Boyztown hitting some bars, I wandered over to Sunee after picking up a boy from A-Bomb. We were at the Corner Bar when I heard that there was a commotion going on around the corner. Being curious, I wandered over to see what was happening. The police from Bangkok had rounded up all the boys in Diamond Pub and had them in a baht bus to take to jail. I am sure most were there because of either being underage to work or have no papers. I was also told that all would be tested for Yabba. I don
  5. For those of you who don't mind the night scene, I have always enjoyed a night at Excite and Hollywood. The shows in both places are very enjoyable and the crowd has a great time. The price is very reasonable for the mixers and the drinks. Last night, I had a birthday party for my boyfriend and he invited 16 friends out to Hollywood. We took 4 bottles of whiskey with us. Hollywood had 2 waiters that were basically dedicated to us all night. They refilled the glasses, got more soda and coke and kept me entertained. The entire cost for all the mixers for the night was 5,600 bath. That was a great deal I thought and every one of the boys had a great time. We started to go to Excite and one of the boys was turned away. He has an ID and although he is 20, they would not accept a copy of the ID. He had lost his ID and another one is one the way. But, they would not let him in so we went to Hollywood. One of the boys knew a bouncer and they let us in with the ID. Both places check IDs and the legal age to get into the places is 20. It is legal to work in a bar at 18 but you can only be a customer there at 20. I met one of the singers on stage as we tipped him throughout the night. He came over between breaks and drank with us. The entire night was a blast. My suggestion is not to go alone. Pick a boy you adore, tell him to invite 5 or so of his friends, but a few bottles of whiskey and have a good time. You won't regret it (until the next morning).
  6. I have not heard this about Throb/Splash. It is perhaps the only bar I would want to own in Pattaya. They really know how to do things right there and I always have a good time and enjoy the show. However, like all things in Pattaya, what isn't for sale for the right price?
  7. I have stayed at the Mosiak and it is very clean and in a great location. The owners are difficult to deal with as none of the staff truly understand english. The staff there is great and the rooms are cleaned weekly for free. http://mosaik-pattaya.com/
  8. >My favorite memory of the 60's was puberty. My favorite memory of the 60's was the terrible twos. I was only a young lad when Elvis died, but I remember everything about that day.
  9. >What is the name of the muscle bar in Bangkok and where is it >located? Tawan Bar is the best known one. It is a few Soi's down from all the other gay bars. If you walk out of Soi Twilight go to the right. Walk past the night market and there will be a Soi to the left, I think past Tartawan Hotel. Tawan is on the same soi as Solid and one of my favorite restaurants, Mango Tree. If you get to that area early, try the food at Mango Tree and also try Solid. Past Solid is several other small gogo bars. You have to read the names and look around as they are hidden to the unwatchful eye. I have heard from some Thai friends that Tawan was caught up in a tv show and it showed the sex show there live. It caused all the bars in Bangkok to stop the sex shows for a while and the whole area was "cleaned up." That lasted about a month or two. Now, it is back to normal. You will see several of the Tawan boys in Pattaya on Sunday at the beach. Many come here for relaxation or the beach.
  10. Thailand Update The Land of Smiles is full of smiles and hopes. There are so many guys here looking for a farang (customer) and so few farangs to assist. I have always found this time of year in Thailand to be fun and enjoyable. The “Rainy Season” or so it is called is unpredictable. One moment the sun is shinning and there are no clouds in the sky and the next minute it is like all hell is broken loose and there is a downpour like nothing you have ever seen. After an hour or so of this downpour, it stops and the sun pops back into view and within minutes, people go back to their work and like the rain had never happened. The bars are not busy and are very slow. There are plenty of guys in the bars looking for that special someone but not many customers in the seat. I get asked at least 40 times a day for food. It is hard to say no when someone you know asks for 50 cents to buy food. I have found that many of the men that live here are immune to the handing out of cash during low season. I always help when I can and when it is high season and there are tons of customers around the guys never forget one’s kindness or lack thereof. There are always special deals in Thailand for hotels. This time of year, you can have your pick. None of them are full. There is no wait for food at any restaurant or at the beach. It is easy to get around, as the traffic isn’t as bad as high season. I recommend to all Cabbages and Condoms in Pattaya. It is an amazing hotel and restaurant. It is located directly on the ocean and has one of the most beautiful gardens and views I have seen in Thailand. It was initially started as a restaurant in Bangkok which still exists off of Sumkumvit. If you are looking for a great place to stay, it is amazing. Another place in Pattaya is the Mosiak Apartments. They rent by the day and by the week. It gives you more privacy and the ability to bring guests back to your room without hassle. It is located in Day Night area and there are many great restaurants around the area. The website is: http://mosaik-pattaya.com/ It is best to call them as they suck at answering e-mails. I have been to the bars in Bangkok recently and had a great time. Many of the bars have over 140 guys there each night. If you cannot find someone you like, you are nuts! Before any trip to Thailand, you need to make sure what is happening before you arrive. Sometimes the bars are closed for elections or holidays. This week, they are all closed for 3-4 days. If you are only spending a week here, to go without them for half the trip would make many unhappy. Be sure to check out gaythailand.com for the latest information on the scene in each city before any trip. My favorite bar in Bangkok is Dream Boys. I like the mamasan there and she has never steered me wrong. I also really like Future Boys and Solid. In Pattaya, my favorite bar is Dynamite, a new bar in Boyztown. Again, the mamasan is great and is very knowledgeable of the guys. I also like BoyzBoyzBoyz and Lucky7. In Sunee Plaza, there is no place like Crazy Dragon. It is a gogo bar where the boys dance on mirrored table tops with loose fitting boxers for your viewing pleasure. The place is packed with boys and it is a lot of fun. The best beer bars in that area are Corner Bar owned by an American, Gary and Come In bar across the street. In Chiang Mai, if you want to stay at a great gay B & B, PJ’s Place is simply amazing. The owners are great and pull out all the stops to make sure you have a great stay with them. My favorite bar there is the New My Way bar. However, the malls are full of college guys and are a great deal of fun. There are also many mamasans that work the faranges with picture books. I had one come over to my place and had over 60 college boys photos and bios. I picked the one I wanted and he came that night. These guys were a bit more expensive but very fun. In Phuket, try to stay at the Baan Yan Dee hotel. It is gay owned and truly an amazing place. My Way bar is full of guys and while the scene in Phuket is not as busy as the other places, I always have a blast. Be sure to take a boat tour of the islands and snorkel while there. For a nice guide on places to stay and go, see www.gaythailand.com For the best place for cruising spots and free sex, see the forums on www.crusingforsex.com I hope this little update helps those interested in traveling to the land of smiles. If there are any questions, please let me know and I will try to assist.
  11. I have heard that all bars in Thailand will be closed for 3 and 4 days for the celebration for the King's assention to the throne. Anyone heard these rumors?
  12. If you haven't noticed when you log in that the Chat is active. You need to click on the link on the top menu bar that says Chat and you are taken into a chat room. I have been in a few times and chatted with some guys. We hope you enjoy this new feature. Perhaps, we can have moderated chats in the future. Any suggestions on who to invite?
  13. When in Sao Paulo, make sure you have Danilo take you to the gay crusing park. I had such an amazing time there. It was fun to see all the gay guys there for hook ups. I also enjoyed the saunas of course but I really like the discos and nightlife. The city is very gay friendly and if you know where to go, you will have the time of your life!
  14. >I just wanna give a shout out to TY for carefully scanning >through the reviews every night to sort out the wheat from the >chaffe. > >It's a thankless job, but it sure is an important one. >Thank you for your good work here.... I agree with you Marc. TY does an amazing job with the site. He is just simply incredible. I come at most things from a business perspective and therefore he and I don't see eye on eye on some things. However, TY made it clear from the start that he had a vision for the site and he has not strayed from it. He works hard and he does everything with integrity. He is not out for a fast buck. He is in for the long haul and the decisions he makes with the site are ones that benefit the end user and not the bank account. I have always been impressed with him. The longer I know him, the more I want to know him. He truly is a great guy but more importantly, a man with integrity. Thank you TY for all your hard work with this site!
  15. Well, since I fit 5 out of the 6 descriptions, I wonder why anyone else in brought into the limelight. I love attention as you know and I hate when you give away some of it to others. ? As Anne Heche said,
  16. What kind of guys do you like? Do you like professional massage or a cute guy massage? If you like a really great massage, I suggest the Thai Blind Institute in Jomptien Complex. You will have a wonderful massage. Also, there are several guys at the beach that give great massages and several that give lousy ones. I suggest you get to Rit's Beach chairs, find a few guys that are regulars and ask their advice on guys. I have found some good massage guys at Blue House Massage in Day/Night 2. As for boys, are you sound like you are looking to pick up guys in cruising places and not the bars. Is this correct? If so, just so you know, Pattaya is not know for guys who are not working. Even the non-working guys are working. You may find a few and I know of many who do.
  17. While I hate to say throw in the towel, I have to agree. While we like to think this is our home and we want things to work the way they do in our homeland, it is not. Thailand is a wonderful place but it is sometimes best to realize that our view of justice is not the same as theirs. If you feel it is a safety issue, and frankly, if the kid had 1,000 Yabba tablets, I would tend to think he is not the only one involved here, then it is best to move on. IMHO
  18. For me, I like the security of a relationship or at least the impression of one. I have little belief that money is not the main factor but I do like to be friendly with several guys. I have 5 regulars that I have on permanent off. They don't work and they are well taken care of. I do this not because I am a horn dog or because I am in love with them. I do this because I much prefer to have some regulars that I spend time with and that I can get on a more personal level with. I also prefer to have a guy that is not often with other farangs. I much prefer the life of a butterfly and I like trying new things. Two nights ago, I met a great guy from BoyzBoyzBoyz that I adored and I spent some time with him. Last night, I met a guy from Krazy Dragon and spent some quality time with him. I have never been one to have only one guy. For me, this does not work. Everyone has different things that work for them. I know many farangs that are looking for that one special guy. I guess deep down, I am too. But, I am looking for a few good men and not just one. Life in Thailand is paradise and it is this because of the limitless possibilities.
  19. Well, I have heard this in the past many times. I also have a good friend who has a family member convicted of the same thing. there is no reduction. However, for every month he paid 20k baht to the "people in charge" he was released and didn't have to stay in for that month. This happened for almost a year before the family ran out of money.
  20. No not yet. I have contacted 4 law firms so far and have gotten no response from them on the issue. GayPattaya has been very helpful with advice and I am following up on some of his leads. Other than that, no one on this board gave any suggestions. I made a post to ThaiVisa and it the post was closed that day as they said they didn't want the censors closing them down. I am open to suggestions.
  21. I am new to the dog world. I am looking for a good Vet that also speaks english. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  22. haha. No dear. It wasn't your virginity, I told you to stop touching my breasts and saying, "big moo". I get that enough from the Thai boys. I hate to hear it from others! "It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue." Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
  23. Ba Humbug! I have been told I was the weakest link on the Xmas tree as I hate holidays. I am a scrooge! It was my idea of a joke. My apologies if it rubbed you the wrong way. It was not my intent. Perhaps tasteless on my part. But, last night I got rubbed the right way and was in a cheery mood.
  24. I have been to this bar several times in the last few weeks. I have always been happy with my time there. The guys are friendly and there seems to be a few guys for all tastes. The fee is now 250 bath which I don't care for but I guess "the times they are a changing." I have been most impressed with Jimy Jim James lately. I have been there on a regular basis and it is always full of boys and customers. The owner is doing something right. Keep it up Jimy or Jim or James or whatever your name is. I had a good time in Kaos a few nights back. They still seem a bit slow on numbers but the last time or two I have been in it has been picking up. I hope the mamasan keeps getting new guys in there as this use to be my favorite bar in Sunee. The waiters are great and the owner is quiet but very friendly. Krazy Dragon continues to amaze me. They seemed packed very night I go. Tons of boys and plenty of customers. They had a party 2 nights about for the sexy butt contest. I didn't win but I did get an eye full of some amazing ASS. ComeIn Bar has added some new wait staff and as always, they are fresh and friendly.
  25. Big C Scam Pattaya Big C SCAM! A "heads up" for you and any of you who may shop at Big C. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you. Here's how the scam works: Two handsome 18 or 19-year-old guys come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, then take off their t-shirts to dry the windshield. It is impossible not to look at their lean muscular chest and ripped abs. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to Beach Road You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen May 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, three times just yesterday, and very likely again this upcoming weekend. Again - please beware!!
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