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  1. I often wonder, with the regular price just costing 400-500 baht anyway, why bother even packaging it up as bulk deal. Is the clientele of Saphan Khwai shops are that price sensitive to 100baht? This type of marketing doesnt seem to make sense to me. If anything, they can try to upmarket the boys- better photo, etc.
  2. A Krubb event next week as sample, looks đŸ”„. Looks to be a model with 8000+ followers
  3. Krubb: https://maps.app.goo.gl/popVVfihXgwLjtVP7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy Sauna Mania: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BFyyeYWpaKGEwtaTA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy R3: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9AXRXDdmrcwGoauH9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy 39 Underground: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1AxU5YH1DaypEaRw5?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy Kaikan Onsen https://maps.app.goo.gl/vMbC7kWoVnsVMpre7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy Kino Sento https://maps.app.goo.gl/rSBqizQja3sgJXD98?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
  4. Hi All, wanted to share some of my research into Bangkok sauna group events which seems to follow a clockwork. Krubb in particular has models / OF stars appearing on the signature Fire party event which involve a Go Go dance and really ‘open invitation’ for a group activity. I am thinking of just going there during my visit and just walk around and be a fly in the wall lol 😂 For the all men onsen, think it is primarily for gay cruising spot although it can just be a place just to chill/relax and window shop for eye candies. I am not too sure about the prevalence of MB in these spots - my guess that its not too common. Gay Saunas Schedule Friday: 39 Underground (Mask Party) Saturday: Krubb (Fire Party) Sunday: Sauna Mania (Foam Party) Monday: R3 (Mask Party) All Men Onsen listing Kaikan Onsen - well reviewed - seems clean and more popular than the others Kino Sento Maxwell Onsen Zen Onsen Ryuu Onsen
  5. Thanks for sharing! All in all, luck, position of the shop, and to some degree your skills to get your masseur in the mood @reader đŸ€Ł plays a factor. In rare occasions, I also noticed some dont eat the snake (but not mind receiving them) - this is probably more prone in a soft shop. (They only do S versus SS) As a fellow side myself, with H taken out of equation, I think @macaroni21 advice of keeping it to 60 minutes especially in type 3 or 4 shops is good idea.
  6. @bkkmfj2648 point about the boy’s reluctance to kiss is interesting. Based on my crude math reading reviews, many bous are open to anything but kissing perhaps about 30%’of the time. @reader, @macaroni21 - is that consistent with your experience either in Saphan Kwai or beyond?
  7. Thanks for sharing all these trip reports and made it so immersive to the reader đŸ€Ł
  8. @vinapu, can you comment on the quality of boys at Prince in terms of age group, selection - I am guessing they are more similar to Arena? Also my sense is Senso has probably more younger therapist.
  9. @vinapu, thanks for sharing and I like the fact through your travels and multiple encounter with multiple boys and which some you reportedly were great, you continue to maintain that boundary (like you said, if you seek love - rent it). Especially that you are also looking for that experience through LT but nonetheless still recognize that boundary.
  10. This is really interesting insight. Looking forward to the report.
  11. O wow, I didn’t realize you can off a boy that early (9 or so). I always thought they need to do a number at the end or something but I guess unless theyre like the Moonlight model, not all of them are needed on stage other than catwalk. Good to know @vinapu.
  12. The massage parlour scene which I have been investigating 😅.. and maybe the sauna. I will still check out some of the gogo scene, but will probably not stay too late (say 11?). Is that too early to off anyone

  13. I am in my late 30s and absolutely I need 7-8 hours of sleep when travelling and a morning person In Bangkok this would mean that I might miss most of the go-go scene or even offing anyone for that matter which I am fine with

  14. I recently saw a news reporting documenting how hard it is to visit China these days with all payments going through WeChat and that there is no Google service in the country including map. Ticket to Forbidden City need to be bought by an app with Chinesse number Also, do you know when you visit a hotel in China you have to report yourself to local police in 24 hours? Report by CNBC
  15. Thanks @vinapu for sharing the story. I definitely symphatize with your story on how day #2 ended - and it shows that we are all just humans, with feelings, and that is true even for the most battle tested veterans among us!!! đŸ’Ș I think there could be hundreds of explanations why he needed to go that morning and does not last till next day and none has nothing to do with you. Some could be entirely benign like if he has someone to take care of at home or maybe he needs his “medication” (who knows). We all know that these boys don’t live the most ideal life, and one way or the other, they may have a challenging life on their own. Although we sometimes don’t see that on the surface, we know that they may struggle in the background. In the end though, it doesn’t really matter. On to the next stamp collecting. Have fun and looking forward to hearing more of your adventures!!!
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