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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. I don't think Vance hates Trump. He might not respect his incompetence, or his laziness, but I doubt he hates him. I could see Vance admiring Trump's ability to lie without remorse and peddle bullshit as if it was fact. I expect Vance wants to learn from the master. Replace the master of course - he is ambitious - and throw Trump under the bus later in life if that suits is narrative of the moment.
  2. Six attempts to insult people you don't know. Is there an MAGA Award for that behavior? The Excremee
  3. Thank you again for your post. It's always good to get the conspiracy opinion from the MAGA echo chamber without having to get my feet wet in your swamp. In the same letter John Adams says: "Science and Morals are the great Pillars on which this Country has been raised to its present population, Oppulence and prosperity, and these alone, can advance, Support and preserve it." The extremist majority on the Supreme Court with their Christian equivalent of Sharia Law are out of step with the Founding Fathers' separation of church and state.
  4. Amongst the stats you posted, the most telling one to me is that 86% of Democrats want Trump to continue as the Republican candidate for President. A majority of Americans may be nervous about Biden's age, but a majority of Americans hate Trump, his incompetence, his hate-spewing name calling and threats of violence.
  5. The statement of the widow of the firefighter who was killed at the defeated former President's rally was interesting. Given the current climate and hate spewing by Trump, her words were measured. She declined to speak with Biden when he called, and also said that she had no ill will towards Biden. She said Biden didn't kill her husband, it was the 20 year old man who killed her husband. She declined to speak with Biden because her husband was a devout (her words) Trump supported. Devout. Think about that.
  6. Thank you again for posting. You continue to demonstrate the inability of any extremist MAGA acolyte to voice any critique of the former defeated President. In the cult are you just not allowed to consider multiple opinions? Must you only parrot the Dear Leader's words?
  7. Yes. Caption will be: Draft dodger finally takes a bullet. Please keep posting content where you highlight the defeated former President's hypocrisy. I'm sure every veteran who Trump has mocked and every Gold Star family he has degraded will have their reality confirmed with the defeated former President acting as con man huckster. Brava - keep up the good work.
  8. Any word on the raffle for the January 6th Mike Pence noose?
  9. I've got a bet with a friend: When will the defeated former President start to compare himself to Lincoln? The winner donates $50 to a homeless shelter, in recognition of the damage conservative economics has had on the American middle and working classes.
  10. The Conservatives on the Supreme Court opened the flood gates of dark money into politics with that nonsense decision Citizens' United (against democracy).
  11. Some historical figures really are incredible. Teddy Roosevelt. He was hit in the chest with a bullet and finished his speech. Lesser candidates came up with bogus medical excuses - bone spurs - to dodge the draft. A conscientious observer is one thing, risking prison time, but a bogus medical excuse from your dad's tenant? Sad.
  12. I read Vance's Hillbilly Elegy. I always assumed he was able to come up with enough reflection to write a book because he had found a supportive wife. Those were the days when he was highly critical of the defeated former President - Vance compared Trump to Hitler at one point. I wonder what the former serviceman thinks of Trump the draft dodger and his bone spurs, and Trumps distain for people who serve their country. Ambition is a powerful drug.
  13. I guess this means a doubling-down on the conspiracy insanity of the defeated former President for the next four months.
  14. Biden has his work cut out for him now. Is this next debate going to happen?
  15. Finally she makes a decision that can be appealed. With the date, had she preplanned this as a gift to the former defeated President before the Republican convention, or is she hiding the decision under the cover of the shooting? How quickly can the 11th Circuit take up her decision, and reverse it again (for a 3rd time)? Would it then, finally be reassigned to a Judge?
  16. You reap what you sow. If there was any involvement of God here, I think it could have been divine intervention shooting the defeated former President's teleprompter.
  17. I hope there will be a full review by Secret Service, FBI and whatever other law enforcement agencies needed to figure out how this was able to happen, so it doesn't happen again. The Biden Administration has an opportunity here to take charge of the narrative, and provide a non-politicized conspiracy soak (FOX opinion's forte) explanation. The big issue here is gun violence as the unique American pandemic that it is. The defeated former President is a data point in the thousands of mass shooting, school slaughters, and movie theatre massacres that is the "normal" promoted by the NRA and MAGA extremists. Trump didn't deserve to be assassinated. He deserves to be defeated, again, by the majority of voting Americans who reject his incompetence and hate promotion.
  18. Did someone do that with you? I asked a simple question.
  19. Are you interviewing for job at FOX opinion?
  20. You're telling us this was an assassination attempt on Trump's teleprompter? That's making more sense.
  21. The gun man was killed on site. We'll soon learn about who he is and what his motivations were. It could be any one from an extreme right-wing Christian upset about Trump weaseling out of a position on abortion, to an unpaid contractor. Who knows? I'll join Governor Shapiro in speaking out against gun violence. If the world is in need of a conspiracy though, the obvious choice is Melania.
  22. I'm glad you have such high regard for the New York Times and Reuters. Do you know what reporting is though?
  23. The New York Times reported that Putin said he wants Biden. Newsflash, Putin lies even better than the American liar-in-chief Trump. Putin wants his lap dog Trump.
  24. Biden isn't disabled. He's old. He's clearly old. He's governed with complete competence over the last four years. While the concern about Biden's age is real, there's something else about Biden that's much more important. Over the last four years Biden hasn't been able to articulate a clear defining narrative about the lying and incompetence of the defeated former President. In terms of landing political punches Trump should be the proverbial broad side of a barn. The next four months aren't about governing with competence, it's about campaigning and defining your opponent. That's, sadly why Trump's numbers are as high as they are. Trump couldn't govern worth shit (based on the facts), but he can campaign and project all his own failings onto his opponent.
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